Research Methodology in Physical Geography

Academic year
Subject Area
Methods and Techniques in Geography
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Fundamental knowledge of the research methods and techniques used in Physical Geography.

Teaching Methods

Presentation and discussion of theoretical contents, complemented by practical exercises based on the collection, processing and analysis of data obtained from print, digital and fieldwork sources. 

Learning Outcomes

The main goal of this unit is to explore methods and techniques used in Physical Geography, in different contexts and scales, to prepare students to conduct activities in the university and use them as employability tools. Students are expected to develop critical skills and abilities for the collection, organization, treatment, analysis and interpretation of geographic information, as well as concerning the graphic and cartographic expression of the results obtained. Field work will be privileged.

Work Placement(s)



I. Epistemological evolution of Physical Geography. Physical Geography and its different fields of expertise.

II. Methods and techniques for data collection in Physical Geography (printed and digital sources, fieldwork and laboratory work).

III. Organization and processing of data (application of advanced statistical methods and laboratory work).

IV. Specific methodological examples from the different fields of Physical Geography. Geomorphological cartography as a case study.

V. Analysis and discussion of results. Graphic and cartographic expression of the results (typologies, advantages, and disadvantages).

VI. Physical Geography between theory and practice: applications in fieldwork. 

Head Lecturer(s)

Lúcio José Sobral da Cunha

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Research work: 50.0%


Allisson, R. J. (2002). Applied Geomorphology. Wiley, Chichester.

Clifford, N., French, S., Valentine, G., (2010).  Key Methods in Geography, 2nd Edition. Sage.

Dauphiné, André (2001). Risques et Catastrophes. Observer – Spatialiser – Comprendre – Gérer. Paris, Armand Colin, 288 p.

Guerra, A. & MarçaL, M. (2006). Geomorfologia ambiental. Ed. Bertrand Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Harris, R. (2011). Statistics in Geography and Environmental Science. Prentice Hall.

Knight, J. (2018). Research Methods in Physical Geography. Taylor & Francis Ltd,  United Kingdom, 416p.

Rebelo, Fernando (2010). Geografia Física e Riscos Naturais. Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 2010.

Soares, A. (2014). Geoestatística para as Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente. IST - Instituto Superior Técnico (ed.), 3.ª Ed., 232p.

Veyret, Yvette & Vigneau, Jean-Pierre (2002).  Géographie Physique. Milieux et environnement dans le système Terre. Paris, Armand Colin.