Administrative Justice

Academic year
Subject Area
Legal and Forensic Science
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Administrative Law, Constitutional Law.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies: lectures and exercises. Each class is affected to a specific matter, which will be the motto to provoke the debate with and among the Students.

After the presentation of the themes of the program, the Students shall present a written paper that will be oriented to the analysis of a Court’s decision. The evaluation will result from the analysis of that paper combined with the participation during the classes.

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit aims to offer the fundamental concepts on Administrative Justice, as well to expose the fundamental problems on control of administrative action by courts.

At the end of the curricular unit Students shall be able: to do a critical analysis of legal acts on Administrative Justice, to identify which are the proper processes to sue.

Public Administration, to do a critical analysis of both national and foreign case law, and constitutional, civil and administrative case law, and to solve real cases.

Work Placement(s)



Part I – Control of administrative action by courts

1. Control by courts and Administrative Justice

2. Subjects: administrative courts and other courts with competence to control administrative action

3. Object: substantive and functional domain of Administrative Justice

4. Process: administrative process

Part II – Special issues on control of administrative action by courts: case law study

1. Control of administrative regulations

2. Control of administrative acts

3. Processes concerning civil liability

4. Processes concerning public contracts.

Assessment Methods

Other: 10.0%
Research work: 90.0%


ALMEIDA, Aroso de, Manual de Processo Administrativo, Coimbra, 2017.

ANDRADE, José Carlos Vieira de, A Justiça Administrativa, Coimbra, 2017.

GOMES, Carla Amado/NEVES, Ana Fernanda/SERRÃO, Tiago (eds.), Comentários à Revisão do ETAF e do CPTA, Lisboa, 2017.

MONIZ, Ana Raquel Gonçalves, Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual por Danos Resultantes da Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde em Estabelecimentos Públicos, Coimbra, 2003.

-«Aspectos Processuais da Responsabilidade Médica», in: Responsabilidade Civil dos Médicos, Coimbra, 2005

-«O Direito de Impugnação de Actos Administrativos na Constituição de 1976», in: Jurisprudência Constitucional, n.º 6, 2005

-«O Controlo Judicial do Exercício do Poder Regulamentar», in: BFD, vol. LXXXII, 2006

-«Responsabilidade da Administração por Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde e Violação do Dever de Vigilância. Anotação ao Ac. do STA de 29.5.2014, P. 922/11», in: CJA, n.º 110, 2015

-«Dois Apontamentos a Propósito da Invalidade», in: CJA, n.º 123, 201