Informed vocal practises in educational contexts

Academic year
Subject Area
Teacher’s Continuing Education
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The methodology of work involves several activities, which are supported by learning tools such as written text, scientific articles, book chapters, videos, internet sites). In this context, there will be indivudal work but also opportunities to work in groups, stimulating peer-learning in the foruns of discussion especially designated. When a topic is introduced, students will have access to aims, methodologies adopted, a cronogram of activities and bibliography.

Learning Outcomes

To learn vocal optimization techniques applied to educational context, grounded on the theories of voice production. To acquire informed preventive strategies, especially designed for the vocal needs of professional voice users who are teachers.
At the end of this course it is expected that participants would be able to: 1. Identify and apply most correct breathing techniques, exercises to warm-up and cool down their voices, exercises to improve voice resonance and phonation types;
2. Know their vocal habilities and limitations; 3. Know the anatomy and phisiology of their voice and apply this knowledge to improve their vocal performance; 4. Recognised the main vocal problems that affect teacher, their causes and priamy symptoms; 5. Apply strategies to prevent voice disorders; 6. Identiy diferente otimizing strategies and respective purposes; 7. Acquire a daily vocal routine.

Work Placement(s)



Thematic unit 1: Anatomy and physiology of phonation
1. Anatomy and phisiology of phonation
2. Internal and external factos affecting phonation
3. Vocal hygiene and routine

Thematic unit 2: Perceptual and quantitative evaluations of voices
1. Vocal acoustics: from theory to practice
2. Evaluation parameters: scales
3. Types of real-time feedback for training voices*

Thematic unit 3: Educating to prevent and optimise your voice
1. Posture: importance to optimise voice production*
2. Breathing, warm-up and cool down exercises*
3. Anxiety, voice and coping strategies for teachers
4. Isometric, calistenic, isotonic and articulatory exercises
(*Face-to-face session)


Assessment Methods

The evaluation will consist of 3 written essays. The final classification will correspond to the average of the classifications obtained in these 3 essays. According to the regulamentations described in “carta circular n.º3/2007 do CCPFC”, the classifications will include: Insuficiente – 1 to 4.9 points; Regular – 5 to 6.4 points; Good – 6.5 to 7.9 points; Exceleten – 9 to 10 points: 100.0%


1. Benninger, M. S. & Murry, T. (2008). The singer’s Voice. San Diego: Plural Publishing.
2. Le Huche, F. & Allali, A. (2004). La Voz. 2ª Edición. Barcelona: Masson.
3. Henrique, L. L. (2007). Acústica Musical. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
4. Sundberg, J. (1987). The Science of the Singing Voice. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
5. Thurman, L. & Welch, G. Bodymind & Voice: foundations of voice education. (2000). Iowa City: The VoiceCare Network.
6. Titze, I. R. (2000). Principles of Voice Production. Iowa City: National Center for Voice and Speech. Urrutia, R G-T & Marco, I. C. 81996). Diagnostico y Tratamiento de los trastornos de la voz. Madrid: Editorial Garsi.