Ergonomics and Work Physiology

Academic year
Subject Area
Occupational Health
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge and Skills in Anatomy and Physiology.  

Teaching Methods

There are theorical and theorical-practical teaching in the classroom, to explain the matters and also to perform tasks or solving problems or cases. 

Learning Outcomes

-Understand the mechanisms of reaction and adaptation of the organism to physical effort and to submaximum or maximum work, (area of ​​Physiology of the work)

apprehend the components of a work system, seeking to adapt the work to the worker and describing the limits to be respected in the performance of work (area of ​​Labor Ergonomics)

to highlight the interrelationship between Ergonomics and organizational efficiency, aiming at maintaining worker safety and health, especially in the ​​prevention of musculoskeletal injuries

assimilate the main interventions in ​​Ergonomics, namely in the identification and recognition of the risks potentially induced by the inadequacy of equipment and jobs

identify the objective, scope and applicability of the main ergonomic checklists in the area of ​​Occupational Health

recognize the importance of ergonomic intervention at the level of the workers’ postures, physiological dynamics of the sequential movements of the work, design of workplaces and tools.

Work Placement(s)



Concept of ergonomics and applications.


Dimensioning of the workplace 

Ergonomic furniture.

Working with screens.

Ergonomics and machine protection.

Desktop organization.

Energy systems. Work and energy; mechanical efficiency and production of heat. Energy, strength, power and labor; units. Energy systems. Power and duration of work in the use of these energy pathways. Food and energy pathways. Actions and tasks that use these energy pathways; classification of labor, role of heredity. Post-exercise recovery.

Tests to evaluate the effort and energy systems.

Introduction of breaks at work.

Exteroceptive sensitivities / interoceptive and proprioceptive.

Ideation movement.

Respiratory and physical exertion.

Cardiocirculatory system and physical exertion.


Work relationships.


Biological rhythms and professional performance. Shift work.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carlos Alberto Fontes Ribeiro

Assessment Methods

Exam: 100.0%


-Ergonomie (Abregés), de H. Monod e B. Kapitaniak, Masson, Paris..2ème édition. 05/2003

- Manual de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho. Alberto Sérgio S. R. Miguel.. 13.ª Edição Porto Editora, S.A.setembro de 2014.

Manual de Ergonomia, fundación MAPFRE. Editorial Constitución y Leyes (Colex) S.A. (10 de octubre de 2011).

Manual de Ergonomia, de Etienne Grandjean, 4ª edição,  Bookman, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Jan 1998.

Fisiología del trabajo físico, de Astrand – Rodahl. Editorial Medica Panamericana, 3 edicion. 6 de mayo de 1999.

Fox’s Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport, de M J Fosse S. J. Keteyian, McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions); International 2nd Revised ed edition. 1 Aug. 1998.