Labour, Organizations and Globalisation

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Since the students accepted in this curricular unit are not only graduates in sociology and other social sciences, but also representatives from trade unions or associative leaders with a relevant professional curriculum vitae, what is expected of the students is an ability to channel their knowledge and professional skills for the discussions and examples raised by the selected topics for debate.

Teaching Methods

The teaching of the curricular unit is based on theoretical and practical presentations of the main topics of the program by the professor. However, the discussion of the topics of the program frequently involves the participation of the students during the classes (through presentations and debates based on selected texts of the program) (see below “assessment method.

Learning Outcomes

This course aims at understanding the key changes, impacts and challenges faced by labor markets and their actors (especially the trade union field) as a result of the dynamics raised by globalization processes. Therefore, the goal is to situate the place of contemporary work and understand its dynamics and mutations

It is intended, therefore, to contribute to the development of the following skills:

- reinforcement of theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge in the fields of sociology of work and trade unionism ;

- training of highly qualified professionals, acting either in the institutional sphere (especially in the field of social and labor policies) or organizations (public or private) dedicated to social development and the struggle against social inequalities;

- upgrading of skills of trade unionists and employer leaders, operating in the associative movement and intervening in instances of social dialogue.

Work Placement(s)



1. Social movement and collective action: theoretical approaches, identity changes and organizational forms. 2. Contemporary theories about social movements and the new paradigm of social movements: the American and European visions. 3. Labor Movement and Trade unionism: historical and conceptual dimensions. 4. Globalization and its impacts on labor and trade unionism. 5. Trade unionism between the national crisis and the need for transnational renewal. 6. Forms of transnational labor organization in action. 7. Social movements anti/alter-globalization.

Assessment Methods

Periodic or by final exam as given in the course information: 100.0%


Costa, Hermes A. (2008), Sindicalismo global ou metáfora adiada? Discursos e práticas transnacionais da CGTP e da CUT. Porto: Afrontamento.

Costa, Hermes Augusto (org.) (2017), O futuro do trabalho em debate: simulação da Conferência Internacional do trabalho na Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Costa, Hermes A.; Araújo, P. (2009), As vozes do trabalho nas multinacionais: o impacto dos Conselhos de Empresa Europeus em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina/CES.

Della Porta, D.; Diani, M. (2006), Social movements: an introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.

Estanque, E.; Costa, Hermes A. (2011), O sindicalismo português e a nova questão social: crise ou renovação? Coimbra: Almedina.

Standing, G. (2009), Work after globalization. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Waddington, J. (2011), European Works Councils: a transnational industrial relations Institution in the making. London: Routledge.

Waterman, Peter (2012), Recovering internationalism. Creating the new globa.