Biostatistics and Study Design
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
Lecturing, discussing and resolving practical problems.
Learning Outcomes
The student is expected to be able to:
- define and distinguish between descriptive statistics, estimation and hypothesis testing
- learn the steps and requirements of a statistical analysis
- assess the adequacy of research questions and corresponding choice of main measures
- distinguish between different study designs and be able to select the adequate for each case
- place data in a format adequate for statistical analysis
- perform descriptive data analysis
- select the correct hypothesis test, given a research question
- perform simple inferential analysis
- report statistical results.
Work Placement(s)
- Identifying and discussing the adequacy of research questions
- Identifying the main outcome measure of a study. Understanding the consequences of this choice
- Study designs and their characteristics
- How to structure data for statistical analysis
- Identifying outliers and describing data
- Choice of the appropriate statistical tests
- Application of statistical thought
- How to report statistical results.
Head Lecturer(s)
Bárbara Cecília Bessa dos Santos Oliveiros Paiva
Assessment Methods
Project: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%
Análise Estatística, com utilização do SPSS; João Maroco, Edições Silabo;
Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Bernard Rosner, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006
Bioestatística descodificada - Bioestatística, Epidemiologia e Investigação, A. Gouveia de Oliveira, Lidel,
Métodos Quantitativos em Medicina, Massad, Menezes, Silveira & Ortega ed. Manole, 2004
R for Medicine and Biology, Paul D Lewis, Jones and Bartlett, 2010.