Steady-State Power Systems Analysis
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Power Systems Introduction
Teaching Methods
The unit works with master classes with theoretical exposure/debate of the subjects listed in the syllabus. Whenever appropriate to clarify the theoretical concepts presenThe main goal is to provide the students the concepts, principles and theories required to understand, explain and analyze the steady-state operation of power systems. Thus, the first topic focuses on power flow issues with simulation based in case-studies. Voltage control problems in radial networks are also studied. There may also be lectures by experts on specific topics of the course.
Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of the course, students should be aware of the importance of power flow studies and acquire the necessary mathematical background to carry out analysis and understanding the results of case study simulations. They should also acquire knowledge about the characterization and exploitation of distribution networks, as well as being able to perform studies on power flow and voltage control in radial networks. They should also acquire the mathematical support and be able to analyse short-circuit in power systems.
Work Placement(s)
Models of power system components for stationary studies.
Power flow: mathematical models and algorithms.
Distribution networks, characterization and operation. Power flow in radial networks. Voltage control.
Symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults inpower systems.
Head Lecturer(s)
Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Cardoso de Oliveira Gomes
Assessment Methods
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Exam: 70.0%
Weedy, B. M., B. J. Cory, Electric Power Systems, 4ª Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
José Pedro Sucena Paiva (2011) – Redes de Energia Elétrica: Uma Análise Sistemática, IST Press, 3ª Edição.
Gonen, Turan – Electric Power distribution system engineering , ISBN 0-07-023707-7
Grainger, J., W. Stevenson, JR. (1994) – Power Systems Analysis, McGraw-Hill.