Computer Graphics and Augmented Reality
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Computer Programming; Data Strutures and Algorithms; Linear Algebra; Computer Vision
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes with detailed presentation, using audiovisual means, of the concepts, principles and fundamental theories and solving of basic practical exercises to illustrate the practical interest of the subject and exemplify its application to real cases.
Laboratory classes where the students are guided on specific aspects of development and consequent analysis of results, enabling them to explore the concepts via hands-on formative and assessement assignments.
Learning Outcomes
This course has the objective of introducting the students to the basic principles of computer graphics, that enables them to develop applications and understand the concepts used in tridimensional modeling tools.
By extending concepts that have connections with other courses, namely in terms of the use of sensors or computer vision techniques. This competencies aim, not only at the development of computer graphics software, but also on contents and supporting technologies.
Work Placement(s)
Introduction: From mathematical models to the computer screen.
Curves and surfaces
Views, perspectives and projections
Homogeneous transformations
Complex models: Parametric curves/surfaces and meshes
Computer graphics in personal computers and mobile devices
History and industry standards
Programming with OpenGL 4.x and OpenGL/ES
Transformations projectos, clipping and rasterization
Textures and materials
Shader programming with GLSL
Animation, motion capture and “keyframes”
Motion capture and animation
Animation by keyframe interpolation
Mesh models and skeletal animation
Virtual and Augmented Reality
The observer viewpoint
Head mounted displays and caves.
Sensors-based viewpoint estimation
Augmented reality
Coherency between virtual objects and the real world.
From instrumented objects to the use of markers.
Commonly used estimation techniques.
Head Lecturer(s)
Paulo Jorge Carvalho Menezes
Assessment Methods
Exam: 50.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 50.0%
- Alan Watt, 3D Computer Graphics, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
- Steve LaValle, Virtual Reality, online on
- Alexander Overvoorde, Modern OpenGL Guide, online on