Narratives of Restoration

Academic year
Subject Area
Architecture, Landscape and Archaeology Culture
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

General knowledge in architecture of archaeology.

Teaching Methods

The pursuit of the defined goals and programmed contents will be consolidated through the accomplishment during classes. In summary, students will be directly confronted with different but recognized principles, projects and interventions in the Portuguese and international built space, integrated in the itineraries designed for each of the mentioned disciplinary units.

Learning Outcomes

In regards of Portuguese experience and the international cases to be presented in the cycle of conferences of this subject, the student should understand and develop a critical perspective on different Narratives of Restoration, such as the relations that are established between the landscapes and Built archaeological environment, as well as the desired musealization of space. In summary, each student should be able to:

1. Discuss the principles of intervention in the built space, from an architectural perspective or archeological;

2. Characterize and discuss the different methodologies of intervention in the constructed space, considering the areas already mentioned;

3. Understand and embrace the coordination of intervention projects in the space constructed, particularly those that are related with archaeological areas.

Work Placement(s)



This subject will be organized taking into account three complementary thematic units, which will correspond to the same number of classes. The first of these units will preferentially consider as object of study different theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage, understood in a historical perspective, but also contemporary. In a second moment, this context, necessarily extended to the landscape as cultural and patrimonial value, will be considered in the light of the investigation and the good practices produced by the archeological area. Finally, the Narratives of the Restoration will be embodied in different projects of museography, certainly contemplated from their own perspective, as well, being part of programs of intervention in a broader built space.

Assessment Methods

Short essay: 100.0%


CAPUANO, Alessandra (Eds.) (2014). Paesaggi di Rovine / Paesaggi Rovinati. Macerata: Quodlibet.

CHOAY, Françoise (1992). L'allégorie du patrimoine. Paris: Seuil.

CONFORTI, Claudia; SPIRITO, Gianpaola (Eds.) (2015). "Poesia e tecnica nel restauro". Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica, 145. Roma: Sapienza Inuversità di Roma.

CORREIA, Luís Miguel (2016). Monumentos, Território e Identidade no Estado Novo: Da definição de um projecto à memorização de um legado (Dissertação de doutoramento, Universidade de Coimbra).

FIGUEIRA, Jorge; LOBO, Rui; GONÇALVES, Adelino; MONIZ, Gonçalo Canto (Eds.) (2015). "A questão do património / The built heritage debate". Joelho: Revista de Cultura Arquitectonica, 6. Coimbra: e|d|arq.

JOKILEHTO, Jukka (1999). A History of Architectural Conservation. Oxford, England; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

PROVIDÊNCIA, Paulo (Eds.) (2016). Conímbriga: Interpretação do sítio arqueológico pelo projecto. Coimbra: e|d|arq.