Population and Community Ecology
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical and practical classes.
The laboratorial work will be developped in group or singly. Use of computational models.
Learning Outcomes
The aim of the course is the acquisition of knowledge in the area of ecology - ecosystem functioning. In the exercise of their profession, biologists must have knowledge regarding processes governing the flow of energy and nutrients in the environment, species interactions and the concepts of biodiversity and conservation. These concepts are important for professionals with specific training in cell biology and related areas, environmental scienes and education.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction to Ecology: concepts and definitions
2. The ecology of individuals. Relationships between organisms and the environment. Thermic regulations in ectotherms and endotherms. Strategies for the acquisition and conservation of water in terrestrial and aquatic organisms.
3. Population ecology. Populations, distribution, abundance and population growth. Aggregation and dispersion.. Animal migration. Intraspecific and interspecific competition. Predation: the role of predators in the distribution, abundance and structure of populations of preys and hosts; predators-prey cycles, mathematical models. Parasitism and diseases. Mutualism. Biological control of plagues.
4. Community ecology. Competition and predation effects in the structure of communities. Biodiversity and abundance. Food chains and stability.
5. Applied ecology. Islands and geographic ecology: its application in the management of protected spaces. Conservation. Sustainability. Evaluation of environmental quality.
Head Lecturer(s)
Cristina Maria Moreira Monteiro Leal Canhoto
Assessment Methods
Mini Tests: 40.0%
Exam: 60.0%
Rickefs, R.E. 2011. The Economy of Nature. 6th ed. New York: Freeman. 550 pp.; OU
Townsend C.R., J.L. Harper & M. Begon. 2008. Essentials of Ecology. Oxford. 3rd ed. Blackwell. 532pp; OU
Molles, M. 2009. Ecology: Concepts and Applications. 3rd ed. New York. MacGraw-Hill. 572 pp.