Elementar Latin II

Academic year
Subject Area
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The Latin Elementary II course is e-learning course, which allows some flexibility of time and space, but requires, also, discipline and self-learning. The contens and support resources will be available in a variety of formats, such as: text, images, diagrams, links, etc. It will be used an expositive and active methodology will, which will combine theoretical information with a practical component, and during the course, implementation and consolidation exercises will be planned to test the progression of learning.

Learning Outcomes

The student knows the fundamental structures of the Latin language.

The student knows the 3rd, 4th and 5th declensions and the adjectives of the 3rd declension in the various degrees.

The student knows the relative pronoun, possessive, indefinite, interrogative and some demonstrative pronouns.

 The student knows the verbal conjugation of the infectum and perfectum times in the indicative mode, the infinitive and the imperative present in the active and passive voices.

The student knows some Esse verbs.

The student acquires some more vocabulary.

The student is able to understand and produce compound utterances (coordination and subordination using the indicative and / or infinitive mode).

The student is able to recognize some more etymological relations between Latin lexicon and Portuguese lexicon.

Work Placement(s)



The Latin Elementary II course is structured in five sequential modules:

Lectio prima


1.1  Passive voice endings: present, imperfect and future verbal inflection


1.2 Passive imperative and infinitive


1.3 Passive agent


1.4 Possessive propouns


Lectio secunda


2.1. Third declension. Consonant and I theme


2.2  Relative, indefinite and interrogative Pronouns


2.3 Relative clauses


2.4 Third declension adjectives


Lectio tertia


3.1 The indicative perfectum


3.2 Other forms of the perfectum


3.3 The perfectum in the passive voice


3.4 The fourth declension. U Theme


Lectio Quarta


4.1 Adjectives: regular comparative and superlative forms


4.2 Infinitive clauses


4.3 Consolidation of the previous modules.


Lectio Quinta


5.1 The fifth declension, E theme.


5.2 Some irregular verbs derived from Esse.


5.3 Consolidation of the previous modules.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carlota Maria Lopes de Miranda Urbano

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
The evaluation is continuous and summative, materialized from the execution of exercises of application and consolidation, whose weight in the final classification varies according to the effort required of the trainee. A quantitative evaluation expressed on a scale of 1 to 20 values and its correspondence with a qualitative scale: 100.0%


Para além dos materiais colocados na plataforma recomenda-se:

Almendra, Maria Ana, e Figueiredo, José nunes de, Compêndio de Gramática Latina, Porto, Porto Editora, 2003.

FONSECA, Carlos Alberto Louro, Sic itur in urbem,Iniciação ao Latim,   Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013