Portuguese Academic Writing

Academic year
Subject Area
Humanities (First Language and Literature)
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The entire course is available through the Internet on a platform that provides students with texts, examples, videos, references and other instructional materials. The course uses presentations and proposes several tasks and activities, both individual and collaborative. Students are expected to work autonomously. Communication between students and teacher is always asynchronous. The guidelines follow a progressive development of different writing skills. Several activities and tasks require the successful completion of previous ones.

Learning Outcomes

- To develop the students’ writing skills in research papers.

- To upgrade planning skills, data presentation and argument building.

- To encourage ethical writing practices and to prevent plagiarism.

- To develop skills in different academic genres (reports, PhD dissertations, MA theses, absstracts).

- To encourage collaborative writing.

Work Placement(s)



Part 1. Identity and authorial voice | 7h30

Part 2. Text plans and genres | 15h

Theme 2.1. Planning and structuring long texts.

Theme 2.2. Academic genres

Part 3. Data management| 15h

Theme 3.1. Plagiarism issues.

Theme 3.2. Using information from sources.

Part 4. Academic writing style | 7.30h

Theme 4.1. Hedgers and boosters.

Theme 4.2. Disciplinary lexikon.

Part 5. Rhetorical structure | 15h

Theme 5.1. Textual sequences.

Theme 5.2. Moves and steps.

Theme 5.3. Introduction and Conclusion sections.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Joana de Almeida Vieira dos Santos

Assessment Methods

Forum debates: 35.0%
Individual essays (text submission): 65.0%


Almeida, F.; Seixas, A.; Gama, P.; Peixoto, P. (2016). A fraude académica no Ensino Superior em Portugal. Coimbra: IUC.

Cargill, M.; O’Connor, P. (2013). Writing Scientific Research Articles – Strategy and Steps. London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Casanave, C. P. (2014). Before the dissertation. Ann Arbor: Un. Michigan Press.

Correia, A.M.R; Mesquita, A. (2012). Mestrados & DoutoramentosEstratégias para a elaboração de trabalhos científicos. Porto, VidaEconómica Editorial.

Hyland, K. (2015). Academic publishing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nygaard, L. (2015). Writing for scholars. London: Sage.

Oliveira, L. (2011). Dissertação e Tese em Ciência e Tecnologia segundo Bolonha. Lisboa, Lidel.

Oliveira, L. (2013). Ética em investigação científica. Lisboa, Lidel.

Pecorari, D. (2013). Teaching to avoid plagiarism. Berkshire: Open University Press.

Sousa, M.J.; Baptista, C. (2011). Como fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios segundo Bolonha. Lisboa: Lidel.