Greek and Latin Cultures

Academic year
Subject Area
Classical Culture
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Graduation in Humanities. Some knowledge in Theory of Literature and Classical Culture. Competence in reading French and English.

Teaching Methods

Seminar. Introductory and conclusive syntheses presented by the teacher. Regular discussion of syntheses on different subjects presented by the students.

Learning Outcomes

- To lead students to understand the peculiarity of the Greek and Roman experience of eros and amor, expressed in the lyric, as well as the way how a number of metaphers were recovered in the later western lyric;

- to contextualize this experience and its expression in the corresponding and specific horizont;

- to give a perception how Antiquity understood philia/amicitia in its personaland political dimmension;

- to win a perspective about the way how Greek philosophy works eros and philia, contextualized by Plato in its metaphysics, in order to understand Augustinus' Neoplatonism.

Work Placement(s)



Love and friendship in Greek and Latin culture

I-Greek Culture:

1-The violence of eros and its lyric expression: Anacreon, Ibycus,Sappho.

2-Tragic eros:political implications os passion: Sophocles, Trachiniai, Euripides, Hippolythos

3-Universal dimmension of pressocratic eros/philia;

4-Eros/philia in Plato's philosophy -Symposion: to be in community for reaching perfection; in search of the supreme Good.

II-Latin Culture 

1-Love, friendship and stoic virtue: Cicero and Seneca.

2-Love and empire: fate, between Dido and Aeneas.

3- Love and Knowledge : neoplatonism in Stº Augustin.

Head Lecturer(s)

Frederico Maria Bio Lourenço

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Research work: 60.0%


C. CALAME, The poetics of eros in Ancient Greece, Princeton 1999.

M. C.FIALHO, "Vivência e expressão de eros em Sófocles, As Traquínias" Humanitas, 54,2002, 49-62

D. KONSTAN, Friendship in classical world, Cambridge 1997

L. McCLURE (ed), Sexuality and gender in the classical world, London, 2002

J. A. RAMOS, M. C. FIALHO, N. S. RODRIGUES (eds), A sexualidade no Mundo Antigo, Porto 2009

CÍCERO, A amizade,  introd., versão do latim e notas de Sebastião Tavares de Pinho, Coimbra : Inst. Nac. de Investigacão Científica, 1993

SÉNECA, Cartas a Lucílio. Tradução, prefácio e notas de J. A. Segurado Campos. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste-Gulbenkian, 1991.

The Aeneid of Virgil / edited with introduction and notes by R.D. Williams. London, Macmillan, 1972/1973

Confissões, SANTO AGOSTINHO, tradução e notas de A. do Espírito Santo, J. Beato e C. Pimentel ; introdução de M. Freitas, Lisboa, 2001.