Modern and Contemporary Classical Tradition

Academic year
Subject Area
Classical Culture
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Graduation in Arts and Humanities. Some knowledge in Roman and Greek literatures.

Teaching Methods

Seminar. Introductory and conclusive syntheses presented by the teacher. Regular discussion of syntheses on different subjects presented by the students.

Learning Outcomes

Obj1 - To know and identify the literary codes of the authors of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Obj2 - To know the most relevant literary genres deriving from the work of the authors of the Middle Ages and renaissance Humanism.

Obj3 - To understand the diachronic evolution of the literary genres, regarding thematic and ideological aspects and their diatopic and diaphasic singularities.

Obj4 - To understand the literary pragmatics of these periods, in its religious, political and social context.

Obj5 - To know how to admire the aesthetics of the works produced during those ages and the use of the rhetorical-stylistic codes by their authors.

Work Placement(s)



P1. The Latin transmitted to the Middle Ages and the Philology of the Renaissance.

P2. The role of classical and Judaeo-Christian heritage in the development of the values of European identity and as a unifying element of European consciousness.

P3. Latin as the lingua franca of western culture and factor of transnational unity in Europe.

P4. Latin literature in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Literary genres: the permanence of ancient genres and the emergence of new ones.

P5. It will be given special attention to the following literary genres: hagiography, historiography, exemplary literature.epistolography, rhetoric, poetry (religious, lyric, epic  and dramatic).

Head Lecturer(s)

António Manuel Ribeiro Rebelo

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Research work: 60.0%


As Humanidades Greco-Latinas e a Civilização do Universal – Actas. Coimbra, 1988.

Brunhölzl, Franz. Histoire de la Littérature Latine du Moyen Âge. 3 vols, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1990-96.

Buck, August. L’eredità clássica nelle letterature neolatine del Rinascimento, Brescia, 1980.

Curtius, Ernst Robert, Literatura Europeia e Idade Média Latina. São Paulo, 1996.

Freire, José Geraldes, Oração de Sapiência. O Latim Medieval em Portugal: Língua e Literatura, Coimbra, 1995.

Génese e consolidação da ideia de Europa -Idade Média e Renascimento. Vol. 4. Coimbra, 2009.

Homo eloquens homo politicus: a retórica e a construção da cidade na idade média e no renascimento. Coimbra, 2011.

Latineuropa : latim e cultura neolatina no processo de construção da identidade europeia. Coimbra, 2008.

Ramalho, Américo da Costa. Para a História do Humanismo em Portugal. 5 vols. Coimbra-Lisboa, 1988-2013.

Rebelo, Luís de Sousa. A Tradição Clássica na Literatura Portuguesa, Lisboa, 1982.