Power Electronics
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Analysis of electric circuits
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes, using audiovisual aids, with detailed presentation of the concepts, principles and fundamental theories. Lectures for solving practical exercises that allow the consolidation of concepts that require a combination of different theoretical principles and promote critical thinking about the operation of different power electronic converters.
Laboratory classes with implementation of experimental works based on hardware modules, including treatment and interpretation of results. Accomplishment of a small hardware or software project with report delivery is also required.
Learning Outcomes
The aim of this course is to give students some skills about the action of power electronic converters on the energy flow control between different types of sources (ac and dc) and different types of electric charges (R, RL, RC, electrical machines.
At the end of this course, students should be able to distinguish between natural switching converters and forced switching converters, based on the analysis of voltage and current waveforms, observed at the input side or output side.
For a given application, students should be able to select the most suitable power electronic converter and choose the most appropriate semiconductor power switches.
Work Placement(s)
1. Power Electronics Introduction; 1.1 Applications of Power Electronics; 1.2 Classification of Power Electronic Converters.
2. Main characteristics of power electronic switches; 2.1 Static characteristics; 2.2 Losses associated to power electronic converters; 2.3 Gate signal characteristics.
3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifier: no-controlled, natural and forced commutations; 3.1 Applications and selection of semiconductors; 3.2 Half-bridge and full-bridge configurations.
4. DC-DC converters: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and Cuk; 4.1 Output voltage control.
5. Single-phase and three-phase inverters; 5.1. Applications and types of inverters; 5.2 Control techniques
6. AC-AC Converters without dc-link bus; 6.1 Single-phase and three-phase configurations
Head Lecturer(s)
André Manuel dos Santos Mendes
Assessment Methods
Project: 20.0%
Other: 20.0%
Exam: 60.0%
“Introduction to modern power electronics”, Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski, JohnWiley & Sons, Third edition, 2016.
- “Power Electronics: Advanced Conversion Technologies”, F. Lin Luo and H. Ye., Second Edition, CRC Press, 2018.