Research Seminar on Communications and Telematics

Academic year
Subject Area
Optional Specialties
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Current Topics on Software and Internet Services (1st semester, 9 ECTS, elective); Research Methods I (1st semester, 6 ECTS, mandatory)

The enrollment in the course is subject to approval by the Coordination of the Doctoral Program

Teaching Methods


Three complementary activities will be carried out:


1 - Lectures (9h): to introduce to current topics in the scientific area.


2 - Seminars (24h): presentation and discussion of scientific papers by students.


3 – Elaboration of a paper, peer-reviewing, presentation and discussion in a workshop.



- Presentations in comp. 1: 25%

- Discussions in comp. 2 and 3, quality of revisions in comp. 3: 25%

- Paper of comp. 3 (overall quality, presentation, discussion): 50%


Attendance to 75% of the total classes is mandatory.

Learning Outcomes


The Internet is evolving with new requirements and applications, creating new challenges in the areas of mobility, routing, signaling, sensor networks, security and privacy, management and, overall, quality of service and quality of experience.


This course aims to exploit fundamental concepts and advanced topics in the scientific area of communications and telematics, providing a comprehensive view of the state-of-the-art, including relevant open research questions and research projects.


These objectives will assist the students in gaining advanced knowledge of their area of research, further developing their competencies in the areas of critical analysis of scientific work, scientific writing, oral presentation and discussion, scientific peer reviewing, which will be key assets for the successful publication of their research results.

Work Placement(s)




Advanced topics in the following areas will be addressed:


1 - Motivations and challenges for future networking.

2 - Mobility fundamentals. User and network mobility. Convergence and interoperability of dynamic heterogeneous fixed and mobile network technologies.

3 – Resilient, trustworthy and energy-efficient Internet architectures.

4 – Wireless sensor networks, IoT, and Human-in-the-Loop

5 – Network management and operation frameworks.

6 – Novel technologies and architectures for critical infrastructures.

7 – Cloud and fog computing infrastructures.

8 – Security, privacy and trust.


Other topics may be analysed and discussed, within the general area of communications and telematics, depending on their interest to the achievement of the course objectives.

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 50.0%
Report of a seminar or field trip: 50.0%



Para cada tópico abordado na disciplina será fornecida aos alunos uma lista de artigos de investigação.


For each topic to be addressed in the course, a list of research papers will be provided to the students.