Poverty, Exclusion and Special Needs

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Students should have intermediate knowledge of written and spoken Portuguese, English and Spanish

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit gives priority to lectures and active learning methods, although other methods and strategies will be used in classes.Taking in consideration the theoretical-practical of this Curricular Unit students will debate practical cases, discuss interventions, analyse legal documents, and compare practices, context in which it is mobilized active method. In adittion to content exposition interrogative and demonstrative methods will also be used.

Learning Outcomes

Students must demonstrate to  have acquired the necessary knowledge for the analysis of the relationship between the problematics of poverty, exclusion and special needs, in particular concenring the diferential impacts of the two first ones in the development of temporary and permanent special needs. Furthermore, it aims to promote the capacity for critical reflection on these constructs, taking into account its referents (theoretical, methodological and implementation) and the implications of their mobilization in multiple contexts (formal, non-formal and informal). It is intended, in addition, that students develop technical skills of planning, intervention and evaluation of models and programs in this domain. At last, students will proceed to the analysis of the Educational Sciences professionals' competences profile, in this specific area of intervention.

Work Placement(s)



1. Scope

purposes; Definition of  key concepts ; Fundaments

 2. Poverty and social exclusion in advanced economies

Traditional and contemporary approaches; Analysis indicators (e.g., economic, social, educational ); Intervention models;  Prospective trends

3.Poverty , exclusion and Special Needs

Myths and scientific evidence of  the (non) existing relationship between poverty, exclusion and SN (permanent or temporary); Differential impacts of poverty and exclusion in children and families quality of life; Intervention models [individualized, family and communitarian matrix]; preventive, remediational and /or empowerment) : the specificities of specialized educational action;

 4. Contexts of severe privation: Singularities of  homelessness

Approaches ( theory " Surviving the Streets"); Impacts on the person and significatives; educational intervention strategies

 5. Profile of competences of the Professional of Sciences Education, in this area

Head Lecturer(s)

Joaquim Luis Medeiros Alcoforado

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous assessment
Project: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Croll, P. (2002). Social deprivation, school-level achievement and special educational needs. Educational Research, 44(1), 43-53.

Gorski, P., & Landsman, J. (2014). The poverty and education reader: A call for equity in many voices. Sterling: Stylus Publishing.

Mairos Ferreira, S., & Redruello, D. (2011). (ir)Responsabilidade nas trajectórias de vida: Perspectiva dos sem-abrigo,sobre o cuidado em família e na comunidade. In T. Pereira, & G. Oliveira, Cuidado e responsabilidade (pp. 337-350). São Paulo: Atlas.

Milesa, S., & Singala, N. (2010). The Education for All and inclusive education debate: conflict, contradiction or opportunity?.  International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14 (1), 1-15.

Slee, R. (2010). The irregular school: Exclusion, schooling and inclusive education. New York: Routledge.

Thomas-Presswood, T., & Presswood, D. (2007). Meeting the Needs of Students and Families from Poverty: A Handbook for School and Mental Health Professionals. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.