Career Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Face to face.  Lectures, case studies, analyis and discussion of educational evaluation practices

Learning Outcomes

To understand the anthropological dimension of the phenomenon work as a condition of historicity of the concept of career.

To reflect on the sociological, political, and psychological aspects of the vocation.

To establish the developmental implications of vocational phenomena to the context of career education.

To analyze different methodologies and practices as means to help in the vocational and educational guidance of adults in the process of (re)construction their occupational and personal life projects.

To analyze, critically, the most relevant theoretical models in career counseling and guidance.

Work Placement(s)



Educational and professional guidance of adults

Lifelong Learning and Continuous Education

Vocational training and professional identities

The Qualification Model and the repossession of the professional identity

The Competences Model as an answer to the shortcomings of the Qualification Model

The recognition of competences as a new space for vocational training and re(construction) of projects and personal and professional identities

Anthropological contextualization of work–from nomad societies to agricultural and artisanal societies; warlike societies and the notion of capital; from manufacture to machine production – corporative societies as an historical background of the industrial revolution and the emergence of the notions of vocation and career; the ethnological archive of societies without work as an utopia for a vocational society, or the death of the concept/personal experience of objective career

Theories and models of education for careers

Transitions school-work

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%


Alcoforado, L. (2001). O Modelo da Competência e os adultos portugueses não qualificados. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 35, 1.67-83.

D’Aboville. A., Bernié. M., & Carpentier. P. (2000). Entrependre un bilan de compétences et réussir son projet profissionnel. Paris :Dunod.

Ferreira, J., & Santos, E. (1998). Factores e contextos vocacionais: novas orientações para um novo milénio, Psychologica, 20, 85-91.

Guichard. J., & Huteau. M. (2001). Psychologie de l’Orientation. Paris :Dunod.

Lévy-Leboyer, C. (1993). Le bilan de compétences. Paris: Les Éditions d'Organisation.

Neff, W. (1985). Work and Human Behavior. New York: Aldine.

Santos, E., Ferreira, J., & Chaves, A. (2001). Implications of sociopolitical context for career services delivery, The Career Development Quarterly, 50, 45-55.

Zarifian, P. (2001). Le Modèle de la Compétence. Paris: Editions Liaisons.

Vondracek, F. W., Ferreira, J. A., & Santos, E. (2010). Vocational Behavior and Development in Times of Social Change. Int Journa.