Models of Teaching and Teacher Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Are not required.

Teaching Methods

Lecturing; presentation and discussion of assignments carried out by students; case studies.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the syllabus students should:

-know the main models of teaching;

-charactarize different teaching models;

-distinguish between the different categories of teaching models;

-know how to apply the models of teaching to specific insctructional situations;

-know how to choose the models of teaching according to specific learning situations;

-understand the importance of teaching models' knowledge to teacher education.

-know and analyze different perspectives and theories that allow to structure teacher training;

-understand the importance of adopting an eclectic reading of these perspectives and theories, with a focus on taking decisions with regard to teacher training;

-analyze the normative-legal requirements relating to teachers training, linking them with the available academic knowledge;

-consider the teachers' tasks and the place they have in the planning, development and evaluation of teacher training.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction to the teaching models

1. Behavioral models

1.1. Direct instruction

1.2. Mastery learning

2. Socio-constructivism models

2.1. Discovery and inquiry

2.2. Problem-solving approach

2.3. Scaffolded learning

2.4. Situated learning

3. Information-Processing Approaches

3.1. Memorization and acquisition of knowledge

3.2. Organization, integration and elaboration of knowledge


2. Teacher Training

2.1. Diversity of perspectives and theories

- Traditional

- Correlational

- Cognitivists

- Reflective, ethnographical and personalist

- Axiological

- About the possibility of an eclectic reading of these perspectives and theories

2.2. Teaching function and their circumstances

- Normative-legal framework: competence areas

- Tasks assigned to teachers

2.3. Organization of teacher training



Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous assessment
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 80.0%


Damião, H. (2009). O estudo do ensino: principais linhas de investigação. In Reis, Boavida & Bento (149-163). Escola: problemas e desafios. Guarda: CEI

Estrela, T. (1999). Da (im)possibilidade actual de definir critérios de qualidade da formação de professores. Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, vol III, nº 1, 9-30.

Estrela, T. (2002). Modelos de formação de professores e seus pressupostos conceptuais. Revista de Educação, vol. 11, nº 1, 17-29.

Festas, I. (2015). A aprendizagem contextualizada: análise dos seus fundamentos e práticas pedagógicas. Educação e Pesquisa. 41(3), p. 713-728 DOI: 10.1590/S1517-9702201507128518

Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2011). Models of teaching. Boston: Pearson.

OCDE (2005). Teachers matter. Paris. OCDE.

Shulman, S. (2005). Conocimiento y enseñanza. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 9 (2), 1-30.