Markets and Electric Energy Quality
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Power Systems Introduction; Electric Energy Management
Teaching Methods
The curricular unit works with master classes with theoretical presentation of the subjects contained in the syllabus. Whenever it is convenient to clarify the concepts presented in the theoretical exposition, theoretical and practical problems will be solved. There will also be discussion of both case studies and student monograph work. Lectures may be given to guest specialists on specific topics of the course.
Learning Outcomes
Students should learn about the ways of commercializing energy and services in the power systems, as well as being able to characterize the Portuguese case. They should also understand the different aspects of service quality in electricity systems and performance indicators. Know how to apply the rules regarding the quality of energy service. Understand the causes and consequences of power quality failures and point out solutions. Be able to analyze concrete situations in regulatory and technical terms
Work Placement(s)
The syllabus includes the following topics:
- Introduction to electricity markets: pool, bilateral contracts and mixed systems;
- International developments and European Directives;
- Network system services: cost allocation methods;
- MIBEL and the Portuguese case;
- General aspects of power quality: Continuity of Service and energy quality;
- Continuity of Service: Performance indicators and reliability indexes;
- Energy quality: voltage sags, overvoltages, harmonic distortion, flicker and voltage fluctuation;
- Regulation of power quality in Portugal.
Head Lecturer(s)
Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Cardoso de Oliveira Gomes
Assessment Methods
Synthesis work: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%
- Dugan R.C, M.F. McGranaghan, Surya Santoso, H.W. Beaty (2002) – Electrical Power System Quality, Second Edition MacGraw Hill.
- Regulamento de Qualidade de Serviço (RQS), ERSE 2016
- Material de apoio disponibilidado pelos docentes da unidade curricular