Smart Grid Communications

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge compatible with the completion of the 1st cycle degree in Electrical Engineering and Computers (or similar) and good level of English language 

Teaching Methods

The syllabus topics will be presented in detail, in terms of fundamental concepts and principles, complemented by the resolution of practical exercises to help students consolidate their knowledge.

Different work themes will be proposed to students, depending on their specialization, to carry out during the semester. The outcome of those work should be a report and oral presentation at the end of the semester, followed by a group discussion in which the students' participation will be duly considered. Efforts will be made to have lectures by invited experts and to arrange technical visits.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that students acquire some concepts of communications in the smart grid. This curricular unit is planned so as to be appropriate to students pursuing different expertise (not only telecommunications or energy management expertise). Therefore, some relevant topics in the context of communication networks will be studied, along with some relevant topics in generation, transmission and distribution of energy. Students will become aware of characteristics of smart grid applications supported by communication networks, as well as the communication infrastructure in the smart grid. The students will be able to select the relevant access technology according to the envisaged application. They should also acquire knowledge about the most relevant communication protocols, including those that support the communications necessary for smart metering and distribution automation. Finally students should acquire basic concepts in network security.

Work Placement(s)



1. Basic elements of a power system

2. Introduction to smart grids

3. Applications of smart grids

4. Basic elements of a communication system

5. Communication networks in smart grids

6. Access technologies in smart grids

7. Communication protocols in smart grids

8. Security in smart grids 

Head Lecturer(s)

Lúcia Maria dos Reis Albuquerque Martins

Assessment Methods

Exam: 30.0%
Frequency: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 40.0%


Alberto Sendin, Miguel A. Sanchez-Fornie, Iñigo Berganza, Javier Simon, Iker Urrutia, Telecommunication Networks for the Smart Grid, Artech House, 2016.

Kenneth C. Budka, Jayant G. Deshpande, Marina Thottan, Communication Networks for Smart Grids - Making Smart Grid Real, Springer. 2014