Digital Control
Robotics, Control and Systems
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Signals and Systems; Signal Processing; Control, Physics (Mechanics)
Teaching Methods
Lectures involving detailed presentation of concepts, principles and theories that constitute the materials of the curricular unit and solving exercises with active participation of students.
Laboratory classes where students perform simulation studies in Matlab/Simulink. Additionally, students have access to a wide range of theoretical and practical problems solved and others for resolution.
The adopted evaluation aims to stimulate a process of continuous study and learning, considering two components of assessment: theoretical/practical and laboratory.
Learning Outcomes
Objectives: Provide students with the main concepts, principles and theories that enable the analysis and design of computer-controlled systems that include both continuous systems and components of information processing in discrete time (discrete-time controllers with and without state observers)
Skills to develop: It is intended that students acquire skills in analysis and synthesis, formulation and problem solving, critical thinking, independent learning and ability to apply theoretical concepts in solving practical problems.
Work Placement(s)
MODULE I – Input-Output Models
Computer-Controlled Systems: Introduction and Background;
Linear Discrete-Time Systems, Sampling, Relationship between Laplace transform and Z-Transform;
Sampling of Continuous-Time Systems in Input-Output Representation;
PID Controller: Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time;
Stability Analysis of Linear Discrete-Time Systems.
MODULE II – State-Space Models
State-Space Models: Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems;
Sampling Continuous-Time State-Space Systems;
Controllability and Observability.
MODULE III – Pole-Placement Design: A State-Space Approach
Regulation by State Feedback;
State-Space Observers;
Introduction to State-Space Servocontrol.
Head Lecturer(s)
Urbano José Carreira Nunes
Assessment Methods
Mini Tests: 10.0%
Project: 30.0%
Exam: 60.0%
1. Franklin, G.P., Powell, J., and Workman, M. (1998) - Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 3ª Ed., Addison-Wesley.
2. K.J. Astrom, and B. Wittenmark (1997) - Computer-Controlled Systems: Theory and Design, 3ª Ed., Prentice-Hall.
3. K.Ogata (1994). “Discrete-Time Control Systems”, Prentice-Hall.
4. Nunes, U. (2020) – Controlo Digital: Exercícios Resolvidos, Exemplos em Matlab/Simulink (apontamentos), DEEC-FCTUC.