Innovation and Management of Change

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Organizational theory.  

Teaching Methods

The Course have a theoretical component (bibliographic) and a practical component (resolution of case studies in the classroom and analysis and discussion of a scientific paper).

Learning Outcomes

The aims of this course is to give students a set of concepts related to innovation and change management, as well as the main approach to this theme, and the main determinants, constraints and challenges during implementation and development of innovation and organizational change. It is intended that students know identify, differentiate and relate the concepts, as well as theoretical approach models, know to diagnose the determinants and constraints to change, as well know how give solutions to deal successfully with reality.

Work Placement(s)



I -Innovation and Organizational Change

1.1. Market determinants and theoretical framework

1.2. Definition of concepts and their relationship

1.3. Process innovation

1.3.1. Creativity versus innovation

1.3.2. Classification, factors and innovation models

1.4. Process change

1.4.1. Innovation versus organizational change

1.4.2. Classification, factors and deployment models of change

II - Adapting to change: constraints and challenges

2.1.information and technology

2.2. Partnerships

2.3. Innovation

2.4. Knowledge management

2.5. Management skills

2.6. Flexibility and agility

2.7. Ethic and social responsibility

III - Leadership and followers: characteristics and skills

3.1. Emotional intelligence

3.2. Time management

3.2. Conflict management, resilience and decision-making

3.3. Delegation versus empowerment

3.4. Mindset as a critical success factor

IV - Innovation and change in the public sector and private sector

4.1. Evaluation indicators

4.2. International comparisons    

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 40.0%


Caetano, A. (2001). Mudança e intervenção organizacional, in, J.M. C Ferreira, J. Neves e A. Caetano (Eds.), Manual de psicossociologia das organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill

Castro, J.T, Cunha, A., e Leal, M. (2008). Organizações em tempo real – o papel dos sistemas de informação. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 

Cunha, M., Rego, A., Cunha, R., e Cardoso, C. (2006). Inovação: Mudar, descobrir, adaptar, In Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. Lisboa: RH Editora.

Drucker, P.F. (1993). Innovation and Entrepreneurship. NY: Harper Collins.

Dweck, C.S. (2006). Mindset – the new psychology of success. NY: Random House.

Galpin, T.J. (2000). O Lado Humano da Mudança – Um guia prático para a mudança organizacional. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Ministério do trabalho e da solidariedade social (2010). Criatividade e Inovação. Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho n.º14.

Mozzicafreddo, J., e Gomes, J.S. (Orgs.) (2011). Projetos de Inovação na Gestão Pública. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais.