Applied Thermodynamics

Academic year
Subject Area
Mechanical Engineering Sciences
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

This discipline follows Thermodynamics. In a similar way, the student must revive the basic mathematical concepts, complemented with knowledge concerning primitive and derived forms of current functions, as well the ability to carry out defined integrals (vd. Mathematical Analysis I and II). The reviewed physical concepts should be complemented with notions concerning the definitions of units, mechanics and calorimetry (also learnt in General Physics Course I). Now, after Termodynamics, the student must evaluate not only balances of energy, exergy and enthalpy, but also entropy increases in processes. In addition it must be known phase diagrams of common materials, with particular emphasis to water. The student should have basic knowledge of English.

Teaching Methods

The lectures consist of the oral presentation of the most important aspects of the summarized matters - the student will be able to deepen through the study of recommended literature, accompanied by the teacher during office hours. The practical classes allow the study of specific applied problems with quantitative solutions. In some particular cases, it is shown sensors and measuring equipement.

Learning Outcomes

The discipline of Applied Thermodynamics aims to develop: the analysis of engineering problems in order to leed the student to start experimental thermal techniques, improve the knowledge of thermodynamics of mixtures of ideal gases, in particular case the mixture of water and air - drying systems, taking in account energy and humidity diagrams, the analysis and application of phase diagrams of the water to energy systems using the cycle of Rankine, measuring the performance, the analysis and study phase diagrams of thermal fluids applied to energy cycle systems, apply the concepts of thermodynamics, in particular the balance equations applied to open systems of inert fluid and cycle energy systems, using thermal fluids specially designed for refrigeration machines and heat pumps, develop and implement engineering problems, presented during the semester, as an introduction to the design of thermal systems, in order to develop creativity and criteria of this study.

Work Placement(s)



1. Fundamental relations: Conservation equations. Variation of mass and total energy, entropy, momentum and exergy. Applications (compressor and turbine, nozzle, mixing, filling a tank, rocket propulsion). Advanced thermodynamics of flows systems.

2. Thermodynamics of the mixture air – water: Parameters and state functions - diagrams and tables. Industrial applications of the air - water systems - drying and cooling.

3. Energy converters using an inert thermal fluid: Introduction, configurations, components, applications. Thermal Cycles - Rankine cycle. Phase diagram of water; application and performance results. Application of Rankine cycle with thermal fluids.

4. Refrigeration cycle and heat pump: Introduction, configurations. Diagrams and tables of thermal fluids. Parameters, evaluation of CF and COP. Industrial applications, problems and engineering solutions, quantitative resolutions.

Head Lecturer(s)

José Manuel Baranda Moreira da Silva Ribeiro

Assessment Methods

Exam: 20.0%
Frequency: 40.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%


A. C. de Sales Luís "Termodinâmica Macroscópica", Ed. dos Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora S.A., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1980

M. J. Moran, et al, "Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John Willey, 2010

W. C. Reynolds & H. C. Perkins  " Engineering Thermodynamics", Mc Graw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo, Japão, 1977

J. C. Leyer "Thermodynamique Macroscopique et Machines Thermiques", 2 vol., Ed. de l' Université de Poitiers, França, 1987

W. C. Reynolds "Thermodynamic Properties in SI - graphs, tables and computational equations for 40 substances" , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, U.S.A., 1979

G. Rogers & Y. Mayhew. "Engineering Thermodynamics - work and heat transfer”, Longman Group Limited, UK, 1992 (rep. 2010)

M. W. Zemansky & H. C. Van Ness "Basic Engineering Thermodynamics", 2ª Edição, International Student Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1975

M. M. Abbott  & H. C. Van Ness "Theory and Problems of Thermodynamics", Mc Graw-Hill, Inglaterra, 1976.