Political Sociology of law and justice

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

 It is recommended as background knowledge competences in the field of sociology.

Teaching Methods

Startingfrom the concept of active teaching, it is proposed to alternate between oral presentations by the teacher and to encourage reflection by students from the starting materials distributed to the classes.  

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

The overall objective of this course is to analyze the law in a sociological perspective.

Specific objectives

1) Under the conditions of contemporary societies almost all social phenomena have a political and a legal component from those associated with specific social spheres (family, work, consumption, crime, etc.) to the institutional frameworks (international state, enterprises). This sociology course aims to provide tools of sociological reflection applied to socio-juridical phenomena, addressing issues such as the relationship between law and social change, functions and meaning of the law, issues such as the relationship between the crisis and law, and the challenges posed by austerity to fundamental rights, among others.

Generic competencies

Detailed acquisition knowledge about a set of themes that are structural to the realm of sociology of law.  

Work Placement(s)



1) Political Sociology of law and justice

1.1 Law as a social fact

1.2 Law, Justice and conflict: the meaning and the role of law

1.3 The complex societies and legal pluralism

1.4 Law, austerity and social change

2) Sociology of law: themes and contemporary issues

2.1 Law social spheres

2.1.1 Inequalities in access to law between men and women

2.1.2 The impacts on labour sphere facing austerity

2.1.3 Disputes and its forms of resolution

2.2 The normativity of globalization

2.2.1 Social spheres of global law

2.2.2 The European space and its normativity

2.2.3 The decentralization of state law

3) Desafios à política e ao direito no século XXI

3.1 A questão do Estado

3.2 O papel dos tribunais

3.3 As formas alternativas de resolução dos conflitos

3) Challenges to politics and law on the 21st century

3.1 The State

3.2 The role of the courts

3.3 Alternative disputes resolution.

Assessment Methods

Periodic or by final exam as given in the course information: 100.0%


Arnaud,André-Jean; e Fariñas Dulce, María José (1996) Sistemas jurídicos: elementos para un análisis sociológico. Madrid: Imprenta Nacional del Boletín Oficial del Estado.

Banakar, Reza e Travers, Max (eds.) (2013) Law and social theory. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing
Deflem, Matieu (2008) Sociology of law – visions of a scholarly tradition. Cambridge: University Press
Ferreira, António Casimiro (2014) Política e Sociedade: teoria social em tempo de austeridade. Porto: Vida Económica
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009) Sociología Jurídica Crítica. Para un nuevo sentido común en el derecho. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.Santos, A revolução democrática da justiça