General Physics
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Physics and Chemistry 11th year and Mathematics of the secondary level.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes with detailed presentation, using audiovisual means and simple demonstration experiments, of the concepts, principles and fundamental theories, exemplifying their application to real situations in biochemistry.
Theoretical-practical classes, solving practical exercises requiring the combination of different theoretical concepts and promoting critical reasoning in more complex problems.
Evaluation consists of three tests, promoting continuous learning, focused on the basic theoretical concepts and the ability to solve complex problems.
Learning Outcomes
- Recognize and use basic concepts and principles of physics, stimulating its binding to the study of systems of interest to biochemistry. Analyze, synthesize and process information.
- Know how to use the methodologies and techniques appropriate in physics, applying them in situations and systems relevant to biology.
- Recognize the importance of physical interpretation and explanation of phenomena in the area of science and technology in general.
- Prepare, process, interpret and communicate physics information, using relevant literature sources and appropriate tools and discourse.
Work Placement(s)
1- Mechanics: Newton’s laws; work and energy, conservative forces; Static equilibrium.
2- Fluids: Pressure, impulsion; Flow of ideal fluids; Flow of viscous fluids; movement of bodies in fluids.
3- Waves: Oscillations, resonance; transverse and longitudinal waves; Reflection, refraction, absorption; Huygens principle, diffraction by a slit, interference; Sound waves; ultra-sound; Doppler effect; Electromagnetic waves; electromagnetic spectrum.
4- Electromagnetism: Coulomb’s law; electric field and electric potential; Electric conductors, insulators and dielectrics; Electric current, electric resistance, direct current circuits; Capacitors; Bioelectricity, electric phenomena in living cells; Magnetic field; Electromagnetic induction; inductors and RLC circuits.
5- Optics: Principles and laws of geometric optics; Ideal mirrors and lenses, aberrations; Lasers: basic notions.
Applications to Biology and Biochemistry in all chapters.
Head Lecturer(s)
António Miguel Lino Santos Morgado
Assessment Methods
Mini Tests: 100.0%
H. Benson (1995) University Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Revised edition, New York
D. C. Giancoli (2000) Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, New York
D. Halliday and R. Resnick (1985)Fundamentos de Física, Livros Técnicos e Científicos, Rio de Janeiro
D. Halliday, R. Resnick and K.S. Krane (2002) Physics, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
J.W. Kane and M.M. Sternheim (1988) Physics, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York
J.B. Marion and W.F. Hornyak (1985) General Physics with Bioscience Essays, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ed., New York
F. Sears, M.W. Zemansky and H.D. Young (1985) Física, 2ª ed., Livros Técnicos e Científicos, Rio de Janeiro
P.A. Tipler (1994) Física para cientistas e engenheiros, 3ª ed., Editora Guanabara Koogan Rio de Janeiro