Organizational Theory
Management and Administration
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
History and/or sociology.
Teaching Methods
A - Methodology:
a) Theoretical and practical lessons supporting bibliography
b) Resolution of case studies in classroom (group work)
c) Research work, in working groups, with subjects taught in thematic framed and proposed by the teacher.
Which translates to B:
B - Continuous Assessment
a) 2 tests (30% + 30%) = 60% (theoretical and individual assessment)
b) Group work: 1 written work (research) with defense and presentation in class (20%) + resolution of case studies in the classroom (20%) = 40% (practical assessment and working groups)
Learning Outcomes
It is intended to convey to students the basic concepts and importance of studying the theory of organizations. It is intended that students know the main organizational structures, their components and factors that influence them, as well as the various dimensions and theoretical groups of organizations. The objectives of the course that students know contextualize the various theoretical perspectives and stages of organizational models and critically think modern organizations.
Work Placement(s)
I. Introduction to the theory of organizations
1.1. Importance of the study of Organization theory
1.2. Fundamental concepts
1.3. Typology of organizational theories
1.4. theoretical groups
1.5. Analytical frameworks and organizational metaphors
II - Theoretical Perspectives of Organizations
2.1. The classical approaches of organizations (Taylor, Fayol and Weber)
2.2. Elton Mayo and the school of human relations
2.3. General systems theory and socio-technical approach
2.4. contingency approaches
2.5. Policy approach
2.6. Ecological and socio-cognitive theories
2.7. Macro-social and critical approach to organizations
III Organizational Structures
3.1. Typology of structures and organizational settings
3.1.1. Five basic Mitnzberg’s components of the organization
3.1.2. hybrid structures
3.1.3. Network Structures
IV - Background and Organizational Change
4.1. Change Type
4.2.The company's lifecycle
4.3. SWOT analysis
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria do Céu Colaço Santos
Assessment Methods
Contnuous assessment
Group work: 1 written work (research) with defense and presentation in class (20%) + resolution of case studies in the classroom (20%): 40.0%
2 Tests (30% + 30%): 60.0%
Bilhim, J.A. (2008). Teoria Organizacional – Estruturas e Pessoas. Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Castro, J.A.T., Cunha, A.C. e Leal, M.J. (2008). Organizações em Tempo Real. Lisboa: edições Sílabo.
Chiavenato, I. (1993). Teoria Geral da Administração. Rio de Janeiro: Makron Books do Brasil Editora Ltda.
Ferreira, J.M., Neves, J., Caetano, A. (2001). Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações. Lisboa: McGraw Hill.
Firmino, M.B. (2009). Gestão das Organizações – Conceitos e Tendências Actuais. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Lisboa, J., Coelho, A., Coelho, F. e Almeida, F. (Coord.) (2004). Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. Barcelos: Vida Económica.