Introduction to Biology
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Teaching Methods
In the lectures, the concepts, whenever possible, are supported by experimental data taken from the literature and converted in a digital version. Students are asked to interpret the results and, with the teacher support, to draw conclusions leading to the establishment of general principles or concepts. In theoretical-practical and practical classes, the scientific method will be discussed in its various steps and exemplified. The student, guided by the teacher, is encouraged to design a methodological approach for the investigation of very simple issues.
Learning Outcomes
The course of Biology is included in the first year of Biochemistry and, therefore, it was designed to motivate students to issues regarding the "molecular logic" of biological processes, establishing a set of basic laws and principles that supports life in its diversity. Therefore, the mechanisms and biochemical processes shared by all living beings on our planet will be emphasized and students will learn fundamental concepts that allow to understand the biological phenomena at the molecular level.
Considering the social dimension of Biology, this course aims to develop skills related to attitude and value judgments beyond capacities of conceptual nature.
Work Placement(s)
1. Biology versus Biochemistry as Life Sciences. Proposal of some key themes that connect and are founded on fundamental concepts in biology and biochemistry.
2. Living systems and biochemical characteristics that reveal unity in the diversity of life and reflect the existence of a common ancestor. The Tree of Life.
2. The chemistry of macromolecules and their interactions as the molecular logics of life. Composition and structure of biomolecules and their fitness to life; structure-function relationships.
4. The cell as the basic unit of life. Cell organization and dynamics. Organelles: morphology and functions. The role of biomembranes in cell compartmentalization and endomembrane system. Membrane vesicle trafficking.
5. Cell signalling and communication.
6. General principles of energy transformation in cells. Different strategies for obtaining useful energy.
7. Cell cycle and cell death. Cell differentiation and tissue formation.
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria Manuela Pratas Alvarez
Assessment Methods
Desempenho nas aulas práticas e teórico-práticas: 10.0%
Exam: 90.0%
1. Life-The Science of Biology, Sadava, D., Hillis, D.M., Heller, H.C., and Berenbaum, M.R., W.H. Freeman and Company, 10th edition, 2015.
2.Campbell Biology, Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V. and Jackson, R.B., Pearson Education, 9th edition, 2011.
3. Biochemistry, Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L. and Stryer, L., W. H. Freeman and Company, NY, 7th edition, 2012.
4. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M., Worth Publishers, NY, 6th edition, 2013.