Physiology Fundamentals
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Introductory course that requires only the knowledge acquired during the High-School level. The course is lectured in Portuguese and the Bibliography is mainly in english so a good domain of these languages is advised.
Teaching Methods
Lectures with power-point presentations to illustrate the subjects. More difficult subjects are worked out by stimulating classroom discussions. Theoretical-practical classes are used to discuss some topics with the help of computer simulation programs or students’ presentations.
Learning Outcomes
Study of the complex animal organisms focused in the relationship among tissues, organs and organ systems essential to keep a dynamic steady-state. The importance of this dynamic steady-state is emphasised with the study of some diseases.
Work Placement(s)
1- Homeostasis; 2- Nervous control; 3- Hormonal control; 4- Muscle; 5- Cardiovascular physiology; Respiratory physiology; 7- Renal physiology; 8-Digestive system.
Head Lecturer(s)
Paulo Fernando Martins dos Santos
Assessment Methods
Assessment 1
Laboratory work or Field work: 20.0%
Exam: 40.0%
Frequency: 40.0%
Assessment 3
Exam: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%
Assessment 2
Synthesis work: 10.0%
Frequency: 40.0%
Exam: 50.0%
1. Vander’s Human Physiology, Widmaier, E.P., Raff, H.and Strang, K.T. McGraw-Hill, 13th edition, 2014
2. Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach, Silverthorn, D.U., Perason Ed., 6th edition, 2013
3. Human Physiology, Fox, S.I., McGraw-Hill Ed, 12th edition, 2011
4. Anatomia & Fisiologia, Seeley Seeley, Stephens & Tate, Lusodidacta Ed, 8ª Ed, 2012