Laboratories of Biochemistry II

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Prior attendance of the following courses: Laboratory of Biochemistry I; Organic Chemistry. The students should be able to understand written English, since some of the  recommended literature is in English.

Teaching Methods

The students prepare for each practical class based on the provided experimental protocol and bibliography therein. The students work in groups of 2-4, in an autonomous, albeit supervisioned, manner. The classes begin with a brief approach about the manner of execution of the experimental procedures. The students then perform the experiments and record the obtained experimental data on the lab notebook. In the related TP class, the data treatment is validated, and the obtained results are critically analysed, interpreted and discussed.

Learning Outcomes

This is a practical laboratorial course unit devoted to the learning and application of laboratory techniques and procedures, taking into account their underlying principles, used in chemical and biochemical analysis, focusing in the isolation and/or quantitative/qualitative analysis of compounds of interest in biochemistry (eg, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins), present in biological or food samples.  Emphasis will be given to techniques such as (i) titration, (ii) selective precipitation, (iii) liquid-liquid extraction, (iv) spectrophotometry, (v) analytical enzimatic assays, (vi) centrifugation.

It is also intended that the student develops and demonstrates skills in

1) the preparation, planification and execution of experimental laboratory work;

2) engaging in team work;

3) the recording, treatment, interpretation, presentation and critical analysis of experimental data and results.     

Work Placement(s)



Execution of practical laboratory work, dealing with basic methodologies for the isolation, purification and analysis of biological/food samples, such as:

1. Determination of the hardness of a water

2. Measurement of the chloride content in biological fluids

3. Quantification of proteins in biological samples

4. Measurement of glucose content in biological fluids

5. Measurement of antioxidant content in foods or fruit juices

6. Isolation and quantification of caffeine in soft drinks

7. Quantitative analysis of oils/fats

8. Quantification of carbohydrates in food samples

Assessment Methods

Exam (0-50); Midterm exam(0-50); Test(10-20); Fieldwork or laboratory work (40-70): 100.0%


Textbook of Biochemistry with Cllinical Correlations. Devlin T., Ed. Wiley-Liss, 2006

General Organic and Biochemistry. Denniston K.J., Topping J.J. e Caret R.L. McGraw-Hill, 2004.

Bioquímica Quantitativa. Macarulla J.M., Marino A. e Macarulla A. Reverté, 1994.