Portuguese: oral and written expression

Academic year
Subject Area
Language and Modern Literature
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The students’ regular attendance and critical participation in classes will be the subject of evaluation. Classes will combine theoretical lectures prepared by the professors along with the analysis of texts (previously provided and studied by students) and the solving of practical exercises.

Learning Outcomes

- Reflect on the cultural and symbolic importance of oral and written communication in Portuguese;

- Strengthen linguistic and cultural skills for the formal identification of texts and content analysis;

- Ability to summarize acquired information in a concise and coherent manner; 

- Develop diaphasic abilities in the writing of texts with distinct communicative purposes;

- Acknowledge the importance of the mechanisms required by textual revision;

- Acquire techniques for oral presentations and the preparation of writing plans.

- Perfecting the final presentation of texts.

Work Placement(s)



1.Preliminary thoughts

1.1.The concept of verbal language

1.2.Natural languages and interpretation of reality

1.3.The Portuguese geolinguistic space

2.The phenomena of speaking,reading,writing

2.1.The understanding of distinctive features of oral speech and written record

2.2.Uses and modalities of speaking: listening and interacting;perfecting oral expression and using techniques of expression in specific fields,such as presentations,debates and round tables

2.3.Uses and modalities of reading: the functional,analytical and critical, recreational and extensive readings

2.4.The process of writing:generic aspects,procedural dimensions;consideration of critical aspects(i)in orthography and punctuation,(ii)in morphology and syntax,(iii)in specialized Portuguese lexicons;study of text typology with special focus on expository and argumentative texts

3.Resolution of practical exercises:specific training of rewriting skills and writing of reports, articles and reading worksheets.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Nuno Paixão Corrêa Cardoso

Assessment Methods

On a weekly basis, students will also have to hand in to the professor at least one written home assignment on a subject of their choice: 100.0%


ARRUDA, Lígia (2008). Gramática de português língua não materna. Porto: Porto Editora.
CUNHA, Celso, CINTRA, Luís F. Lindley (1986). Nova gramática do português contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.
Dicionário sintáctico de verbos portugueses (1994). Coordenador Winfried BUSSE. Coimbra: Almedina.
Dicionário Verbo. Língua Portuguesa. (2006). Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.
Gramática do português. Volumes I e II (2013). Comissão organizadora: Eduardo Buzaglo Paiva RAPOSO, Maria Fernanda Bacelar do NASCIMENTO, Maria Antónia Coelho da MOTA, Luísa SEGURA, Amália MENDES. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
LOPES, Isabel Poço, PEIXINHO, Ana Teresa (2011). Acordo ortográfico 2011. O que mudou no português europeu. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
NOGUEIRA, Rodrigo de Sá (1986). Dicionário de verbos portugueses conjugados. Lisboa: Clássica Editora.

Ao longo dos trabalhos, serão indicadas outras fontes bibliográficas como serão igualmente fornecidos diversos materiais de apoio. Nesta FUC, figura apenas a bibliografia considerada seletiva. Os alunos também irão ler entre duas a quatro obras literárias a definir oportunamente.