Área Científica do Menor
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
To have aprovation in General Geology.
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes with detailed explanation, using multimedia resources, of concepts, basic principles, models and fundamental theories for understanding and interpretation in Geomorfology. Analysis of situations that illustrate reference cases. Strong focus on observation and interpretation capacity at various scales.
Theoretical and practical classes where the students contact with techniques of analysis and interpretation of geomorfological maps.
Field classes for in situ observation and interpretion.
Learning Outcomes
Objectives: The discipline deals with the scientific study of landscapes and the processes that shape them.
Competencies to be developed: to be able to analyse and interpret data in the field, laboratory and classroom (using maps and satellite imagery), using suitable methodologies.
Work Placement(s)
1 - The scope, some of the history of Geomorphology and methods of geomorphic analysis.
2 - Hillslopes and mass wasting.
3 - Introduction to the alluvial systems.
4 - Alluvial fan processes and landforms.
5 - Fluvial geomorphic system.
6 - Glacial geomorphology.
7 - Eolian processes and landforms.
8 - Structural landforms.
9 - Lithological landforms.
10 - Climatic morphogenesis.
11 - Coastal geomorphology.
12 - Landscape evolution.
13 - Applied geomorphology and perspetives of development.
Head Lecturer(s)
Pedro Manuel Rodrigues Roque Proença Cunha
Assessment Methods
Exam: 100.0%
PEDRAZA, J. (1997) - Geomorfologia: princípios, métodos y aplicaciones, 414 p. (na biblioteca do Dep. Geografia)
ELORZA, M.G. (2008) - Geomorfologia, Barcelona, 898 p.
Bibliografia alternativa ou complementar (também disponível na biblioteca do DCT):
STRAHLER, A. N. & STRAHLER, A. H. (2000) - Geografía Física (tradução espanhola - 3ª edição), Barcelona, Ediciones Omega, 550 p. BLOOM, A. L. (1998) - Geomorphology. A systematic analysis of late Cenozoic landforms. New Jersey. Prentice Hall, 482 p.
COQUE, R. (1977) - Géomorphologie. Paris, Armand Colin, 430 p.
DERRUAU, M. (1988) - Précis de Géomorphologie. Paris, Masson, 533 p.
FERREIRA, A,; BRAGA, A. & FLOR, G. (1999) - Encontros de Geomorfologia. Conferências. Proj. Praxis XXI 2/2.1/CTA/156/94, Univ. Coimbra, 95 p.
RICE, R. J. (1977) - Fundamentals of Geomorphology, 387 p.
RICE, R. J. (1987) - Fundamentos de Geomorfologia. Madrid, Paraninfo, 324 p.