The Geography of Migrations in Cinema. Learning approach in the context of the class room

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Sciences, Business and Law
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

In what the units 1 and 2 is concerned, the teaching methodology will consist of expository presentation of contents.

Units 3 and 4 will present a more analytical side. Initially there will be viewed the designated works and, related with the previously studied subjects, there will be built filmic scripts aiming to direct the students, in the context of the class room, before, during and after the movie presentation.

Learning Outcomes

In this course it is intended that, in a first introduction moment, the students acquire knowledge about the conceptual terminology in the theme context of the Geography of Migrations, as well as about the Portuguese practical emigration and immigration reality.

Afterwards there will be presented film resources that focus on migration experiences, in the relation of the migrating individual with the space(s) and with society(ies) – origin and destination – in a multiterritorial logic. In that logic, it will be discussed the cinema contents associated to the theoretical and practical component. There will be built work instruments whose main goal is to explore the movie as a valid learning resource for the process of teaching-learning in the context of the class room.

Work Placement(s)



Unit 1 – Terminology, theory and models in Geography of Migrations

Unit 2 – Departure and arrival peers in the Geography Portuguese emigration and immigration

Unit 3 – The filmic resources and geographic science: fiction in science and fictionalized science in the class room

Unit 4 - The migration experiences portrayed in movie: analysis of the several works and construction of visualization, analysis and filmic discussion instruments.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria de Fátima Grilo Velez de Castro

Assessment Methods

Presentation of a "Materials Notebook - film analysis on Migration Geography": 100.0%


Filmografia | Filmography:

Pátio das Cantigas (1942), Real. Francisco Ribeiro, Portugal.

O Grande Elias (1950) Real. Arthur Duarte, Portugal.

Sonhar é fácil (1951), Real. Perdigão Queiroga, Portugal.

Cinco dias, cinco noites (1996), Real. José Fonseca e Costa, Portugal.

Duplo exílio (2001), Real.Artur Ribeiro, Portugal e EUA.

Ganhar a vida (2001), Real.João Canijo, Portugal.

A gaiola dourada (2013), Real.Ruben Alves, França.

Azevedo, A.F. (2006). Geografia e Cinema. Representações culturais do espaço, lugar e paisagem na cinematografia portuguesa. Tese de Doutoramento em Geografia, Universidade do Minho. Disponível (13/05/2014) em:

Duque, A. (2013) - O cinema na construção e promoção de territórios turísticos: a imagem do rural no cinema português. Tese de Mestrado em Lazer, Património e Desenvolvimento, Universidade de Coimbra. Disponível (27/02/2014) em:

Fernandes, João Luís Jesus (2001):"Images and paradigms of development in rural spaces: a reflection at the end of the millennium, based on the territories in certain films"; in Stanko Pelc (ed.), Developmental problems in marginal areas: local initiative versus national and international regulation, proceedings of MARIN 2000; University of Ljubljana, Eslovénia

Malheiros, J. (2011). Portugal 2010: o regresso do país de emigração? Janus.Net, 1(2), 133-142. Disponível (13/05/2014) em:

Peixoto, João (2012) – A emigração portuguesa hoje: o que sabemos e o que não sabemos. SOCIUS Working Papers, nº5, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Disponível (13/05/2014) em:

Velez de Castro, F. (2008). Europa do Outro. A imigração em Portugal no início do séc.XXI (…). ACIDI – Observatório da Imigração, Colecção Teses, nº 16, Lisboa.