Scientific Research Methodology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The curricular unit will focus teaching-learning active methods without prejudice of moments and times of deepening specific content presentation by the teachers.

Will be established in the first class a schedule of activities, syllabus and intermediate products to be carried out by students.

Will established a time for tutorial activities, which may take various forms

Learning Outcomes


— Consolidate and develop analytical and instrumental competence in scientific research;

— To promote the capability to understand the relationship between different epistemological views of scientific research and different methodological approaches;


— Be able to identify a subject of research

— Understand the role of theory in the context of different epistemological traditions, in particular the relationship between literature review and construction of a conceptual framework.

— Being able to build a empirical research design;

— Epistemologically substantiate research methodological options;

Work Placement(s)



1. Research in social sciences and social work

1.1. Debate on the discipline of scientific work

1.2. Aims and objectives of a doctoral thesis

1.3. The construction of the research project: quality criteria and structuring

2. Literature review and theory in the construction of the object of study

2.1. The role of theory in research

2.2. Construction of a conceptual framework

3. Epistemology and methodology in research

3.1. Research and epistemological currents

3.2. Research and logical strategies of inquiry

3.3. Qualitative research: actuality, fundaments, characteristics and processes

3.4. Qualitative research epistemology: different currents and perspectives

a) Phenomenology

b) Interpretativism

c) Hermeneutics

4. From epistemology towards research strategies

4.1. The importance of method in scientific research

4.2. Research option and its justification

5. Research strategies and research methodological design

Head Lecturer(s)

Helena da Silva Neves dos Santos Almeida

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 70.0%


ANFARA, V. and Mertz, N. (2006), Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research. London, Sage.

BLAIKIE, N. (2000), Designing Social Research. Cambridge: Polity Press.

BLAIKIE, N. (2009), Approaches to Social Enquiry. Cambridge: Polity Press.

CARDOSO, T., ALARCÃO, I., e ANTUNES, J. (2010), Revisão da Literatura e Sistematização do Conhecimento. Porto: Porto Editora.

DENZIN, N., & LINCOLN, Y. (Eds.). (2003). The Landscape of Qualitative Research - Theories and Issues. Thousands Oaks, London, New Deli: Sage.

ENGEL, R. e SCHUTT, R. (2005), The Practice of Researche in Social Work, Londres: Sage.

FLICK, U. (2005). Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica. Lisboa: Monitor.

FORTIN, M-F (2006), Fundamentos e Etapas do Processo de Investigação, Loures: Lusodidacta.

GAUTHIER, B. (ed) (2003), Investigação Social – da problemática à colheita de dados, Loures: Lusodidacta.

MALCOM, C. (2009), The Social Work Dissertation, Berkshire: Open University Presss.

MORRIS, T. (2006), Social Work Research Methods, Thousands Oaks: Sage.

POLIT, Denise; Cheryl Tatano Beck, e Bernadette P. Hungler (2006), Fundamentos de Pequisa em Enfermagem – métodos, avaliação e utilização. São Paulo: Artmed.

RAGIN, C. (1994), Constructing Social Research, Thousands Oaks: Pine Forge Press.

SANTOS SILVA e J. Madureira Pinto (org.) (1986), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Afrontamento.

SCHUTT, R. (2009), Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research, Thousands Oaks: Pine Forge Press.