Theory and Thought in Social Sciences

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

— Summary  of lessons with bibliographic indication for each session.

— Indication of texts and bibliography for each session

— a written individual work that articulate the sociological theories discussed with the students ' research  topics.

Learning Outcomes

 — To know the main currents of sociological thought, since the founders to classics, in order to hold a theoretical framework where found the theoretical study and practical of diverse contemporary social problems.

— To know the main paradigms in social sciences as framework of debates about the contemporary society.

— Streamline the sociological reflection about the current situation, so as to enable appropriate intervention, aware and responsibly.

Work Placement(s)


Head Lecturer(s)

Paulo Jorge Marques Peixoto

Assessment Methods

a written individual work : 100.0%


Parte I

— International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, London-New York, The macmillan & Free Press, 1962.

— Braga da Cruz, M (1989). Teorias Sociológicas Vol I - Os Fundadores e os Clássicos (Antologia de Textos), Lisboa, Fundação  Calouste Gulbenkian.

— Martindale, Don (1971). La teoria sociológica: naturaleza y escuelas, Madrid, Aguillar, 1971.

— Aron, Ramon (1967). Les étapes du la pensée sociologique, paris, Gallimard.

— Timasheff, N. (1960). Teoria Sociológica, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar.

— Sorokin, P(1938). Les Theories Sociologiques Contemporaines, Paris, Payot.

— Fletcher, R. (1971). The making of Sociology, London, Nelson's University Paperbacks.

— Bottomore T. & Nisbet, R (1978). História da Análise Sociológica, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar.

— Wallace, R.&Wolf, A. (1980). La teoria sociologica contemporanea, Bologna, il Mulino.

— Silva, AS (1988). Entre a Razão e o Sentido  Durkheim, Weber e a Teoria das Ciências Sociais, porto, Afrontamento.

Parte II

— Beck, U. Giddens, A. Lash, S. (2000) Modernização Reflexiva: Política, Tradição e Estética no Mundo Moderno, Oeiras, Celta.

— Bourdieu, P. (1989) “Espaço Social e Espaço Simbólico” in Razões Práticas: sobre a Teoria da Acção, Brasil, São Paulo, Papirus Editora

— Butler, J. (2004) Undoing Gender, New York and London, Routledge

— Calhoun, C. (2007) Contemporary Sociological Theory, London, Blackwell

— Foucault,  M. (1977) Vigiar e Punir. História da Violência das Prisões, Petrópolis, Vozes

— Goffman, E. (1992)  Manicómios, Prisões e Conventos, São Paulo, Perspectiva

— Luhmann, N. (1977) «Diferentiation of Society » in The Canadian Journal of Sociology, pp. 29-52.

— Wallerstein, I. “The Modern World- System in Crisis” in Durham, N C , 2004, World- Systems analysis: an introduction, Duke University Press, pp. 76-90

— Wuthnow, R. et al. (1984), Cultural Analysis: The Work of Peter Berger, Mary Douglas, Michel Foucault and Jurgen Habermas, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul