Auxology and Motor Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Activity Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Method based on face-to-face exposition, and on another component based on problem resolutions and oral presentations of written works. The evaluation will be composed by two tasks: [1] Field data collection (0-10 points). [2] Critical overview of a scientific article (0-10 points).

Learning Outcomes

[1] Understanding the stages of growth and maturation in the first two decades of life, [2] Interpreting biological maturation as a single process, although that could be studied based on different biomarkers [3]; know the main adaptations of medium and long-term physical activity and training [4]; contact noninvasive assessment of total and regional body composition.

Work Placement(s)



[1] Growth status: data collection, control of data quality, [2] Overweight: body mass index, cut-off values for overweight and obesity [3] Body composition: models, anthropometric-based

assessment, equations for children, youth and adults; [4] Physique: somatotyping children and adolescents, multivariate analysis of somatotype data; [5] Biological maturation: self and clinical

assessment of sexual maturation,; [6] Motor development: motor patterns, motor skills, motor proficiency assessment [throw, catching, dribbling, kicking], sport-skill assessment, motor

coordination assessment; [7] Physical fitness: concepts, batteries, tests in the context of health-related fitness. Sexual dimorphism, secular trends and sociogeographic variation; [8] Physical

activity: methods, 3-day diary, daily energy expenditure, METS, screen time, sport-related activities, accelerometry, patterns of physical activity.

Head Lecturer(s)

Manuel João Cerdeira Coelho Silva

Assessment Methods

Resolution Problems: 10.0%
Other: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 80.0%


[1] Carter JE & Heath B (1991). Somatotyping: development and applications. Cambridge University Press. .

[2] Malina RM, Bouchard C & Bar-Or O (2004). Growth, maturation and physical activity. 2nd edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

[3] Eston R & Reilly T (2001). Kinanthropometry and exercise physiology laboratory manual. 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

[4] Haywood KM & Getchell N (2001). Life Span Motor Development. 3rd edition. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.

[5] VandendriesscheJC, VandorpeB, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Pion J, Vaeyens R, Matthys SPJ, Lenoir M, Lefevre J, Philippaerts RM (2011). Multivariate association between morphology, fitness and motor

coordination characteristics in boys aged 7 to 11. Pediatric Exercise Sciences. 23 (4): 504-520.