Territory and Landscape

Academic year
Subject Area
City Planning
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

The full conclusion of the first cycle of studies and the previous, or simultaneous, frequency of Theory Of Architecture I , II and III.

Teaching Methods

Presentation of content by the teacher, supported by the multimedia presentation of representative cases; Discussion of topics and debate on the examples presented; Individual and group analysis of cases with a view to creating informed syntheses; Fieldwork; Regular elaboration of worksheets; Presentation/Expository, individual and in groups, of the results of the research carried out by students; Joint debate on results; Preparation of an individual final report.

Learning Outcomes

The objective is to develop instrumental, interpretative and critical capabilities, focused on the act of designing, and questioning the concepts associated with the idea of landscape within the scope of Western culture, to study the most important relationships between landscape and art, with the history of the city and gardens, and with territorial planning, with a particular focus on the second half of the century. XX. Very representative cases of different approaches to landscape in architecture will be explored, through design practices that allow us to build particular relationships with the territorial contexts in which they are located

Skills to develop:

1. Analysis of works and projects and characterization of information;

2. Ability to research and deepen knowledge that shapes creativity;

3. Cross-relationship of knowledge;

4. Critical spirit regarding perception of arch-space;

5. Identification of creative and innovative solutions in particular contexts (of place and time).

Work Placement(s)



The course will focus on the problems inherent to the act of designing and its fundamental relationships with the landscape, land use and the environment. In this sense, issues that are at the genesis of what can be called 'Construction of Landscape Architecture' will be addressed. However, the discipline is fundamentally concerned with understanding concepts and focuses on clear examples of their application.

The following themes are given as an example:

  1. Nature, territory and environment;

  2. Space, site and phenomenology of place;

  3. Symbolism and philosophical thought (S. Schama, D. Cosgrove, A. Weiss);

  4. Poetics of landscape and expanded field (from R. Assunto to R. Kraus);

  5. Suburbanism and the art of memory (S. Marot);

  6. Hypertext, hypercity and supermodernism (from A. Corboz to H. Ibelings);

  7. City and countryside - dilution of limits and emergence of natural space as an intrinsic condition of the urban;

  8. Materiality, tectonics and sustainability.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Paulo Vergueiro Monteiro de Sá Cardielos

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 10.0%
Other: 10.0%
Report of a seminar or field trip: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 20.0%
Research work: 20.0%
Mini Tests: 20.0%


AAVV, Mateo, José Luís, Sauter, Florian (eds.), Architectural papers III, Natural Metaphor: an anthology of essays on architecture and nature, Spring/Summer 2009, ETH | Actar, Barcelona, 2007.

AAVV, Finisterra: Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, vol. XXVI, n.º 72, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Lisboa, 2001.

AAVV, Waldheim, Charles (ed.), The Landscape Urbanism Reader, Princeton Architectural Press, Nova Iorque, 2006.

Augé, Marc, Não-Lugares: Introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade, Bertrand Editora, Venda Nova, (1992) 1994.

Berque, Augustin (ed.), Mouvance II : soixante-dix mots pour le paysage, Éd. De La Villette, Paris, 2006.

Cardielos, João Paulo, A construção de uma Arquitectura da Paisagem, Universidade de Coimbra, 2009.

Clément, Gilles, Manifiesto del Tercer Paisaje, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, (2004) 2007.

Colafranceschi, Daniela (ed. col.), Land&Scape Series, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2000-2011.

Colafranceschi, Daniela, Landscape +: 100 Palabras para habitarlo, 2007.