Portuguese Theater

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodology will be mostly theoretical-practical, comprising the reading and critical commentary of theoretical texts and dramatic texts, as well as the regular analysis of live and recorded shows. A great diversity of media and documentary archives will be used, with special attention given to photo and video archives. In addition to classroom presentations of texts and shows, students should develop a case study throughout the semester, allowing them to conduct a research work in the framework of the course unit.

Learning Outcomes

- Understanding of the historical process of affirmation of independent theatre in Portugal throughout the 20th century;

- Description of the structural transformations of the Portuguese theatrical field (from 1974 to 2014);

- Identification of the main authorial and thematic references of contemporary theatrical writing;

- Knowledge of the new dynamics of creation, at the level of the forms, the language and the processes of theatrical creation;

- Development of the ability to carry out independent research on contemporary texts and theatrical practices.

Work Placement(s)



- The "Comuna - Teatro de Pesquisa" and the expressions of independent theatre before 1974.

- The affirmation of independent theatre in the post-revolutionary period;

- Structural transformations within the Portuguese theatrical field (1974-2014);

- Currents of contemporary theatrical writing (subjects and authors);

- The emergence of a post-dramatic theatre;

- Dance, new dance and its relation with the theatrical scene;

- Creative dynamics within the field of performance theatre.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando Matos de Oliveira

Assessment Methods

Research work: 20.0%
Frequency: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 20.0%
Project: 40.0%


BRILHANTE, Maria João (2003) “Caminhos da escrita dramática em Portugal”

http://ww3.fl.ul.pt/centros_invst/teatro/pagina/Publicacoes/artigos2008/MJB_caminhos_da_escrita_dramatica_em.htm (22/11/2014)

BORGES, Vera (2007) O Mundo do Teatro em Portugal: Profissão de Actor, Organização e Mercado de Trabalho, Lisboa, ICS.

COSTA, Carlos (2008) Os Escritores de Cena na Primeira Década do Séc. XXI, Dissertação de Mestrado, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

FAZENDA, Maria José (2012) Dança Teatral: Ideias, Experiências, Acções (2ª ed.), Lisboa, Colibri;

LEHMANN, Hans-Thies  (2011) O Teatro Pós-Dramático, São Paulo, Cosac&Naif.

OLIVEIRA, Mickael (2012), Dramaturgia Portuguesa Contemporânea (1974- 2014). Textualidades do Séc. XXI, Dissertação de Doutoramento, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa.

SERODIO, Maria Helena (A mais recente dramaturgia portuguesa: contexto e realizações», in Discursos, Nº 14, pp. 25-38.