Rehabilitation Policy and Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

No recommended prerequesites beyond the general conditions for admission to the course.

Teaching Methods

Theorical classes take place in an expository form addressing the topics provided in the syllabus. Some classes integrate lectures by researchers and professionals of planning and urban management.

Theoritical-practical classes consist on the discussion of topics covered in theorical classes and in the development of an exercise for assessment with presentation sessions and group discussion. The exercise is a report with a critical analysis of case studies, based on the topics addressed in the theorical classes.

Learning Outcomes

Understand in an integrated manner the components of rehabilitation as public policy.

Demonstrate the ability to interpret the spatial planning policies and their repercussions on urban dynamics.

Develop skills for participation in processes of programming and implementation of integrated urban rehabilitation projects.    

Work Placement(s)



1. Concepts

The scope and purposes of urban policy

Compared urban development in the twentieth century: Portugal, northern and southern Europe

2. Policies

Territorial public policies and their effects: from NPPP to AUR's

Policies and tools for urban rehabilitation

Social policy and economic development

Housing policies: in particular, local housing plans

Heritage policies: the safeguarding of the architectural heritage

3. Regimen

The Law on Urbanism and Territorial Planning Policy and the Legal Regime of Land Use Management Instruments: public programming of urban interventions and commitment to rehabilitation

Legal Regime of Urban Planning and Building: instruments to be used in urban rehabilitation

The Legal Regime of Urban Rehabilitation

Tax regimes and incentives to rehabilitation

4. Strategies and tactics

Urban governance: between normative planning and strategic planning

Planning, programming and implementation of urban rehabilitation in Portugal: 1970s – 2012.

Assessment Methods

Critical participation in class: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 80.0%


COUCH, Chris, et al. (ed.), 2003 — Urban Regeneration in Europe. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

FERRÃO, João, 2011 — O ordenamento do território como política pública. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

GONÇALVES, Adelino, 2012 - Património Urban(ístic)o e Planeamento da Salvaguarda. Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, DARQ, Universidade de Coimbra. [s.n.].

OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Paula, 2012 — Novas Tendências do Direito do Urbanismo. De um Urbanismo de Expansão e de Segregação a um Urbanismo de Contenção, de Reabilitação Urbana e de Coesão Social. Coimbra: Almedina.

OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Paula, 2012 — “A Reabilitação Urbana e a Gestão Urbanística Programada (e Negociada): Dois Tópicos Incontornáveis na Concretização das Políticas Urbanas” in CORREIA, Fernando Alves et al. — Estudos em Homenagem a António Barbosa de Melo. Coimbra: Almedina, p. 191-207.

PORTAS, Nuno, et al. (ed.), 2011/2003 — Políticas Urbanas. Transformações, Regulação e Projectos. I, II. Lisboa: Fund. Calouste Gulbenkian.