Principles of Intervention in the Built Environment

Academic year
Subject Area
Cross Knowledge
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

No specific requirements beyond the general requirements for admission to the course.     

Teaching Methods

The teaching methods are appropriate to a theoretical masters' course unit and are based essentially on the presentation of a set of topics, principles, rules and relevant texts designated at the beginning of the semester. The critical absorption of these contents will be operated through specific individual and group tasks (eg oral presentations, short texts) that will be assigned to students throughout the semester, which will focus on the analysis of case studies and good practices to the light of theoretical concepts presented by the teacher.

Learning Outcomes

With this course unit it is intended that the student acquires a set of critical tools allowing to define alternatives and solutions, as well as to make strategic and tactical decisions in the intervention actions which are the aim of this masters' course. It is, in simple words, the course unit that provides the future rehabilitation specialist of social, political and cultural awareness, that is a key point to assure his technic authority. In this context, the awareness of the socio-economic relevance of their action is fundamental, as well as the acknowledgement of the need to work in multidisciplinary teams. The ability to reflect and summarize orally and in writing the grounds of any intervention, but also to discuss and take decisions are primordial goals of this course unit.

Work Placement(s)



From territory to detail: cultural forms and expressions.

Heritage, cultural and identity heritage.

The tangible/ intangible, material/ imaterial dilemma

Urban ecology, evolution and development.

Heritage and sustainability.

Value and values in heritage and rehabilitation. 

The role of coordination and specialty in an interdisciplinary project team.

Head Lecturer(s)

Margarida Isabel Barreto Relvão Calmeiro

Assessment Methods

Other: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


PICKARD, Robert (ed.) (2001), Management of Historic Centers. London, New York: Spon Press.

ROSSA, Walter (2002-2013) Fomos condenados à cidade: uma década de estudos sobre património urbanístico. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade. (no prelo).

TERÁN, Fernando de (2009), El pasado activo: del uso interesado de la historia para el entendimiento y la construcción de la ciudad. Madrid: Akal.

GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio (2000), Conservación de bienes culturales: teoría, historia, principios y normas. Madrid: Ediciones Cátedra.