Atomic and Molecular Physics
Área Científica do Menor
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
General Physics, Electromagnetism I, Quantum Mechanics I, Mathematical Analises I, II and III.
Teaching Methods
Partition of contact hours: Lectures 42h, Theoretical-Practical 28 h, Laboratory Practice 0h, Field Work 0h, Seminar 0h, Tutorial 0h, Other 0h.
Evaluation components and corresponding weights (as percentage) in the final grade
This course will include expository lectures, classes where some problems/topics are analysed and discussed.
Learning Outcomes
Increase the knowledge of the atomic and molecular structure in the context of the quantum theory, and become familiar with the fundamental aspects of atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
Skills to develop: Competence in analysis and synthesis; Competence to solve problems; Competence in critical thinking; Adaptability to new situations; Competence in applying theoretical knowledge in practice.
Work Placement(s)
1. Interaction of hydrogen atoms with electromagnetic radiation: Theory of time-dependent perturbations. Emission and absorption of radiation by single-electron atoms. Radiative transitions and selection rules. Introduction to laser radiation.
2. Fine structure and hyperfine structure of hydrogenoid atoms.
3. Interaction of hydrogen atoms with external electric and magnetic fields: Stark and Zeeman effects
4. Two-electron atoms: principle of indistinguishability, exchange degeneracy and the antisymmetrization postulate. Pauli's principle. Variational method. Fundamental state and excited states.
5. Polyelectronic atoms: Central field approximation. Hartree-Fock method. Correlation effects. L-S and j-j couplings. Interaction with electromagnetic radiation and static electric and magnetic fields
6. Molecular structure and spectra: Born-Oppenheimer principle. Electronic structure of diatomic molecules, rotation and vibration of diatomic molecules. Molecular spectra of diatomic molecules.
Head Lecturer(s)
Rui César do Espírito Santo Vilão
Assessment Methods
Continuous assessment
Project: 10.0%
Resolution Problems: 15.0%
Frequency: 75.0%
Final assessment
Resolution Problems: 10.0%
Exam: 90.0%
“Physics of Atoms and Molecules”, B. Bransden e C. Joachain, 2nd ed., London : Prentice Hall, 2002
"Atoms, Molecules and Photons: an introduction to Atomic-, Molecular- and Quantum Physics", 2nd edition, Wolfgang Demtröder, Springer, 2010.
"Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", 3rd edition, David. J. Griffiths, Darrell F. Schroeter, Cambridge University Press, 2018.