Research Seminar

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Due to the nature of this subject, all the subjects of the Architecture Integrated Masters until the 8th semester are necessary.

Main competences: analysis and synthesis; interpersonal relationships; critical reasoning/argumentation; self criticism and assessment; researching.

Secondary competences: organizing and planning; oral and written communication; problem solving; teamwork; autonomous learning.

Technical Competences related to the use of informatical systems (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Autocad, bibliographical research and databases).

Competences in foreign language - English.

Teaching Methods

In theoretical classes the programmatic matters are taught according to an expositive model. In parallel, research projects performed by invited teachers are presented and debated.

Practical classes are organized in 8 seminars coordinated by 8 professors. Five are theoretical seminars and three are pratical ones. The teaching and learning method is a workshop.

Learning Outcomes

The Course is based on teaching and learning process of permanent experimentation to promote discussion on architectural methods and themes, geared more for training than for information.

The central goal is to develop some lines of thought that make the connection between the subject matter and the originality and systematization of the topics addressed in order to present a research proposal (Master's Thesis Proposal or Project Work Proposal), for a theoretical or a practical thesis.

Specific objectives:

a) To assess the disciplinary and relevance of the main topic.

b) Encourage reflection on the topics and sub-topics

c) Strengthening the development of original and independent thinking

d) To develop the methodological tools necessary for the development of the topics discussed

e) Create, search and organize relevant information in order to develop a certain topic

f) Relate the knowledge about theories, methods and techniques acquired in other subjects.     

Work Placement(s)



The theoretical classes frame the Architectural Research in a historical, methodological and formal perspective through theoretical models and practical examples. Thus, the following programmatic topics will be treated:

• Fundamental issues on Architecture research: subject matter, originality and relevance.

• Methodology and tools for the elaboration of a research proposal for Thesis/Project Work

• Plan of a research proposal for Thesis/Project Work

• Systematic discussion about the presented and developed topics.

• Ethical issues related to the research methodologies.

The theoretical-practical classes are seminars of group debate on themes presented by students from research guide lines proposed by the teachers. In this context, the permanent gathering, organization and presentation of all the relevant material will be requested individually.

Head Lecturer(s)

Gonçalo Esteves de Oliveira do Canto Moniz

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
Research work: 20.0%
Project: 60.0%


Eco, U. (1977). Como se Faz uma Tese. Lisboa: Presença.

Borden, I., Rüedi, K. (2000). The Dissertation. An Architecture Student’s Handbook. Londres: Architectural Press.

Costa. A. A. (1995). Introdução ao Estudo da História da Arquitectura Portuguesa. Porto: FAUP Publicações.

ECDJ (2001), Investigar em Arquitetura?, 5.

Katinsky, J. R. (2011). Pesquisa Acadêmica na FAUUSP. São Paulo: FAUUSP.

ECDJ, Investigar em Arquitetura?, 5, 22-39.

Moniz, G. M. (2011). O Ensino Moderno da Arquitectura. Coimbra: edarq.

Montaner. J. M. (1999). Arquitectura y crítica. Barcelona: GG.

Ensinar pelo Projecto (2014), Joelho, 4

Santos, B. S. (1987), Um Discurso sobre as Ciências. Porto: Afrontamento.

Solà-Morales, I. de. (2003). Inscripciones. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Tafuri, M. (1979). Teorias e História da Arquitectura. Lisboa: Presença.

Távora, F. (1962). Da Organização do Espaço. Porto: FAUP Publicações

Teyssot, G. (2010), Da Teoria da Arquitectura: Doze Ensaios. Lisboa: Edições 70.