
Academic year
Subject Area
City Planning
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Course 1st cicle and Urbanistics.

Teaching Methods

The contact time is of 2h of lectures per week followed by 2 other practical. In the first teaching is processed through expository sessions, in which will be used audiovisual resources. A small part of the content will be taught by groups of students whose preparation will be monitored by the teacher. On practical classes we will discuss the topics covered in the previous lecture in order to lead to the writing of a report limited in size to an A4 page.

In all classes will be given minimum reading suggestions permitting better monitoring of matters to be addressed in the following one.



Learning Outcomes

Maturation of a personalized reading on the subject of extensive culture of the territory.

Development of dynamic interdisciplinary work within the Urbanism and Territorial Planning.

Domain medium balls, rules and limits on the exercise of activities of Urbanism and Territorial Planning.

Work Placement(s)



1. The surging of the Theory of Urbanism

2. Planning and Urbanism during welfare-state

3. Urban Planning, from design to science

4. The cities and plan’s results

5. Urban polytic surging and the social and environmental re evaluation of city: planning and sustainable development

6. The urban heritage and the densification/ aging/ abandon/ rehabilitation processes of the central areas and first rings: Bologna, Grenoble, Rotterdam, Berlin

7. Re urbanization and revival theories: the New Urbanism

8. The “re” concepts and the urban rehabilitation

9. The Portuguese legislation and the hierarchy of its instruments: the RJIGT and the RJRU

10. Plans and projects of urbanization

11. Urbanism in a world without cities: strategy and tactics, partnerships and governance. Strategic planning

12. City as an active past. Heritage as contemporary, rehabilitation as a collective project.

Head Lecturer(s)

Nuno Miguel Martins Travasso

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
Mini Tests: 80.0%


ASCHER, François (2001), Novos princípios do urbanismo [e] Novos compromissos urbanos: um léxico. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. 2010

BANDARIN, Francesco (1981), The Bologna Experience: Planning and Historic Renovation in Communist City.The Conservation of European Cities. Cambridge, London: Donald Appleyard (org.), MIT Press. 1981: 178-202

BORJA, Jordi; CASTELLS, Manuel (1997) — Local y global: la gestión de las ciudades en la era de la información. Madrid: Taurus. 1997

HALL, Peter (1988) — Cities of Tomorrow: an intellectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century. Oxford: Blackwell. 2002

LEGATES, Richard T. e STOUT, Frederic (org.) — The city reader. London: Routledge. London, 2000

PORTAS, Nuno; DOMINGUES, Álvaro; CABRAL, João (2002) — Políticas Urbanas II. Transformações, regulações e Projectos. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. 2011

TAYLOR, Nigel (1998) — Urban planning theory since 1945. London: Sage. 2003