Architecture and Digital Project I

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Project I.

Teaching Methods

The course is taught in a 4 hours weekly class, combining:

   - theoretical presentations in a lecture format, fostering the collective debate about the subjects;

   - presentation of the assignments with tutorial demonstration of the tools and techniques involved in its resolution, using video projection;

   - development of individual and group exercises, combining individual learning processes with the requirement for teamwork;

   - lectures with external guests.

Learning Outcomes

Taking place in the 1st semester, APD1 looks for introducing the students to the digital processes associated with:

    i) Productivity (2D drawing)

   ii) Communication (3D modeling and simulation)

The main goals are:

   1. To be familiar with the historical evolution about the use of computers in architecture, by describing the subjacent principles and applications;

   2. To know the state of the art of digital technologies relevant for architecture, by identifying the most relevant techniques associated with CAD, CAE and CAM processes;

   3. To acquire practical skills in using CAD software and image edition, with a focus in the production of drawings and models, and in the virtual communication of the project;

   4. To develop a critical conscious about the potentials and limitations of these technologies and their relation with the traditional analogical processes.

Work Placement(s)



 1.  Principles of Computer Aided Design (CAD);

 2. The digital space: coordinate systems, scale and measure, visualization methods, capture, organization, storage and distribution of information;

 3. 2D drawing: primitives, edition and transformations;

 4. 3D modeling: primitives, edition and transformations;

 5. Virtual communication: characterizing digital models, producing renders, digital animation;

 6. Graphic presentation of the project.

Head Lecturer(s)

Pedro Filipe Martins Carvalho

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 40.0%
Research work: 60.0%


Livros /  Books:

Duarte, J.P. (2001): Customizing Mass Housing, PhD dissertation in architecture, design and computation. Cambridge MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kalay, Y.E. (2004): Architecture’s New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Kolarevic, B. (2003): Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. New York: Spon Press.

Lisboa, F. (1995): Desenho de Arquitetura Assistido por Computador. Porto: FAUP Publicações.

McCulllough, M. (1996): Abstracting Craft. The Practiced Digital Hand. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Mitchel, W., & McCullough, M. (1995): Digital Design Media. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Ortega, L. (2009): La digitalización toma el mando. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Schmitt G (1999): Information Architecture: Basis and Future of CAAD. Basel: Birkhäuser.


Artigos / Articles

Sousa, J.P. (2005-08): artigos publicados na revista Arquitetura e Vida desde o n. 61 ao n.97. Lisboa: Loja da Imagem.