Construction II

Academic year
Subject Area
Construction and Technology
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical classes with exposure of compositional principles, materials, building systems and ways of conceiving and realizing, resort to readings of existing physical structures in order to interest students in the interpretative analysis to develop the theoretical and practical component of the subject. 

Theoretical-practical classes oriented to develop interpretative analysis exercises of buildings with secular constructive anchorage, other than seeking constructive perception of their physical organic structures favor the gradual internalization of the qualification of the design as a means of assessing the intentionality of handling capacity of the discursive construction materials and systems.

The classification of each year result from the weighting of these aspects: attendance and performance in follow-up sessions (20%); the continued development work (15%); response to exercise (65%).    

Learning Outcomes

- A reference to space and architectural form, the compositional principles, materials and construction systems - after emerging a scientific and industrial revolution - will be sought-awakening in students a constructive awareness that allows an understanding of material reality that surrounds them .

- Reference architecture in an experimental scale and the condition of art based on coordinated applications of various fields of knowledge as aspects that favor an approach to the understanding of the process to create form and space;

- Encourage the understanding of the material definition of the building through the analysis and development of graphics and three-dimensional models, whose progressive qualifications serve to discover the intention of handling the discursive capacity of materials and building systems.   

Work Placement(s)


Head Lecturer(s)

António Alberto de Faria Bettencourt

Assessment Methods

The classification of each exercise will result from the weighting of the referred aspects: attendance and performance in the monitoring sessions (20%); continuity in the development of work (15%); response to exercise (65%): 100.0%


FRAMPTON, Kenneth – Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction In Ninteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture, Edited John Cava, 1995.

VILLALBA, António Castro – História de la Construcción Arquitectónica, Quaderns d´Arquitectes 12. Barcelona. Edicions Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, 1995.

ADAM, Jean  Pierre -  La construcción Romana, materiales y técnicas. Leon. Editorial de los ofícios, 1989.

BLUME, Hermann – La Construcción de la Arqitectura: tecnica, deseño e estilo. Tradução dee António Lopera espanhola de título original: The Principles of Architecture, style, structure and design. Madrid, 1988.

BETTENCOURT, António ­ Apontamentos sobre a prática construtiva com o ferro nos séculos XVIII e XIX. Coimbra: edarq, 2007.