Anthropology of Performance
Área Científica do Menor
1st Cycle Studies
Recommended Prerequisites
Anthropology of the body.
Teaching Methods
The texts present in the syllabus match the themes covered in lectures. In the theoretical-practical classes, students will invigorate the discussion in class or working group. In order to do that the theoretical component is accompanied by ethnographic texts and films of performances. The intention is to promote the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and the building of stronger academic arguments.
Learning Outcomes
This course aims to develop alongside the basic knowledge in the area of anthropology of Performance, a critical outlook at the contemporary performance field, and skillful competencies for the study of these themes may these be it conceptual analysis.
At the end students should have the ability to employ correctly the key concepts of the field - performance, social drama, rite / ritual, efficacy, methods - and have developed a analytical framework for the different modes of social interaction insusceptible performers, whether these are part of daily life, religious or healing rituals, popular ceremonies, sporting events, or as to the character of the performative construction of gender and/or identity.
Work Placement(s)
In this course introduces students to anthropology of performance and the theoretical proposals of the main protagonists (Bateson, Goffman, Victor Turner, Richard Schechner), and practical cases (Conquergood, Judith Butler, David Kertzer, Littlewodd).
Using the classical texts of performance studies it is intended that students grasp performance as an event, a theory and research methodology; as an integral and constitutive of culture. Thematic issues that relate performance with the politics of identity, namely the affirmation or contesting of the dominant power, gender, identity or more synchrectic areas such as religious healing are analyzed.
Head Lecturer(s)
Jorge Filipe Sousa Varanda Preces Ferreira
Assessment Methods
Frequency: 100.0%
TURNER, V. 1967. [1969]1974 O Processo Ritual, Ed.Vozes: Petropolis
TURNER, V. 1982 "From Ritual to Theater: The Human seriousness of Play", Performing Arts Journal.
VALVERDE, P. 2000 , MÁscara, Mato e Morte em São Tomé, Celta, Oeiras.
VAN GENNEP, A. [1908]1978 Os Ritos De Passagem, Vozes: Petropolis
BRUNER, E. & TURNER, V. 1986, (ed) The Anthropology of Experience.
BUTLER, Judith, 1998- “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution”, Theatre Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4. pp. 519-531.
CONNERTON, P. 1993 (1989), Como As Sociedades Recordam, Oeiras, Celta.
CONQUERGOOD, D., 2002, "Performance Studies: Interventions and Radical Research", The Drama Review 46, 2.
GOFFMAN, E. (1959)1993 A Apresentaçao do Eu na Vida de Todos, Relógio D'Água: Lisboa
KERTZER,1998 - Ritual, Politics and Power. New Haven: Yale University Press.
LITTLEWOOD, R.,1998, Mental Illness as Ritual Theatre, Performance Research, 3:3, 41-52.
SCHECHNER, R. 2003, Performance Theory. Routledge, pp. 112-169.