Rural and Urban Societies

Academic year
Subject Area
Middle Ages History
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Some skills in foreign language literature.

Teaching Methods

Since this is a seminar, the continuous assessment will be used. In addition to the introduction by professors of the topics of this class, various resources will be used: published or scanned documentation, discussion of bibliographies, organization of work.

Learning Outcomes

The structure of the program of this class will ensure the student gains a clear understanding of the different hues of the medieval Portuguese landscape mosaic (peasant and urban) (whenever possible with a peninsular and European comparative view), their settlements and changes in the organization of the territory, demography and social relations, urban development (from the thirteenth century); a knowledge of the stately structures of a peasant population, in terms of the social relations of a dependency system, not without the existence of a sense of solidarity (in terms of the parish, county and family); and will provide students with an understanding of the organization and functioning of urban society in the workplace, sociability and of conflict and power.

Work Placement(s)



1. Rural horizons and urban landscapes
2. Demography and settlement: contrasts
2.1. Transformations of population and demography: consequences in the rural space
2.2. Expansion and growth of cities: factors and methods
3. Society and Economy
3.1. Societies and rural economies
3.2. Cities and urban societies
4. Views of social life and changes of coexistence
4.1. Places and ways of life
4.2. Threats of sociability
4.3. Disturbing the peace: conflict and violence and its control by public authorities.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão

Assessment Methods

Other: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Research work: 50.0%


ANDRADE, A. (2003). Horizontes urbanos medievais, Lisboa
COELHO, M. H. (1990). Homens, Espaços e Poderes. I - Notas do Viver Social. Séculos XI-XVI. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
DUBY, G. (1988), O Tempo das Catedrais. A Arte e a Sociedade (980-1420). Lisboa:Estampa
FOSSIER, R. (2010).Gentes da Idade Média. Lisboa: Texto Editores
GARCIA DE CORTÁZAR, J.A (1999). La sociedade rural en la Espanã medieval. Madrid: Siglo XXI
GONÇALVES, I. (dir.) (2005-2009). Paisagens rurais e urbanas: fontes, metodologias, problemáticas (vols.1-4). Lisboa
MARQUES, A. H. de O. (2010) A Sociedade Medieval Portuguesa - Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana, 6ª ed.. Lisboa:A Esfera dos Livros
MATTOSO, J. ; DAVEAU, S.; BELO, D. (2010), Portugal. O Sabor da Terra. Um retrato histórico e geográfico por regions Lisboa:Tenas&Debates
MATTOSO, J. (dir.) (2010), História da Vida Privada em Portugal, v. I – Idade Média.Lisboa
SERRÃO, J. e MARQUES, A.H. de O. (dir.) (1989-2005). Nova História de Portugal. Vols. II-IV. Lisboa:Presença.