New Institutions: Inquisition, Charities and Academies

Academic year
Subject Area
Modern Era History
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes presentations by professors, use of diverse sources, presentation of papers by students, discussions and comments.

Learning Outcomes

Provide detailed information about new and problematic institutions created in the Modern Age, central to the understanding of politics, society, religion and culture of the Portuguese in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries and the critical understanding of current issues at the exercise of power level, religious and behavioral tolerance, social protection and poverty and cultural production and dissemination.  Equip students with the knowledge and methodologies necessary for independent historical research in this time period and thematic areas.  Equip students with tools for critical a understanding of historical issues.

Work Placement(s)



The Inquisition, Charities and Academies had its genesis in Modern Portugal and was expanded by its empire.  While instances of power, disciplining behavior, practical application of the doctrine of charity (also disciplinarian), cultural and doctrinal stages of construction and sociability of elites indelibly shaped to this day, the practical politics, society, religion, culture and the Portuguese imagination. This class will further examine all these aspects, allowing students contact with the most current and troubling themes, methodologies and interpretative models.

Head Lecturer(s)

José Pedro de Matos Paiva

Assessment Methods

In-class participation: 30.0%
Research work: 70.0%


Bethencourt, F. (1994). História das Inquisições. Portugal, Espanha e Itália. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.

Kantor, I. (2004). Esquecidos e Renascidos. Historiografia Acadêmica Luso-Americana (1724-1759). São Paulo-Salvador: Hucitec/UFBA.

Lopes, M. A. (2010). Protecção social em Portugal na Idade Moderna. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade.

Marcocci, G. & Paiva, J. P. (2013). História da Inquisição Portuguesa, 1536-1821. Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.

Mota, I. F. (2003). A Academia Real da História. Os intelectuais, o poder cultural e o poder monárquico no séc. XVIII. Coimbra: Minerva

Paiva, J.P., dir. (2002-2014). Portugaliae Monumenta Misericordiarum 1-7, 10. Lisboa: UMP

SÁ, I. G. (2001). As Misericórdias Portuguesas de D. Manuel I a Pombal. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.