Sources, Methods and Research Areas

Academic year
Subject Area
Historical Methodology
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical and practical approach of the different themes proposed for this class is done using the multitude of information used by the contemporary construction of history, both at the archival and bibliographical level as well as at the level of multimedia and digital information.  Assessment is continuous, with individual presentation of research works and development of an individual project.

Learning Outcomes

This class will provide students with specific methodological tools for research about the constructing history and give them skills inherent in the planning and execution of independent research.  At the end of the semester, students should be familiar with the main historical sources and where they can be found.  Students will have acquired the basic methodological expertise for research and learn to organize information gathered from the sources covering lexical, hermeneutical and ideographical research and construction of history.  They will also learn the routes followed by the historiography, with particular focus on the most recent and innovative research fields.  After completing the class, students should be able to build a historiographical narrative with their dissertation in mind, regardless of their subject of study.

Work Placement(s)



I. The primacy of the attitude of the historian towards the sources, methods and fields of research.

II. From Tradition to the renewal of history/historiography, especially since 1990.

III. Sources, methods and fields of research of the history of the Middle Ages, Modern and Contemporary: diversity and specificities.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Leonor Dias Conceição Pereira

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
Mini Tests: 30.0%
Research work: 50.0%


Aróstegui, J. (2001). La investigación histórica: teoria y método. Barcelona: Crítica.

Carvalho, J. R. ( 2013). Redes, auto-organização e interpretação histórica.  In López-Salazar, A. I.; Olival, F.; Figueirôa-Rêgo, J., Honra e sociedade no mundo ibérico e ultramarino: inquisição e ordens militares séculos XVI-XIX (pp. 89-104). Vale de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.

Coelho, M. H. (coord.) (1995). Repertório Bibliográfico da Historiografia Portuguesa (1974-1994). Coimbra: Instituto Camões/FLUC.

Colmeiro, José F. (2005). Memoria histórica e identidad cultural. De la postguerra a la post modernidad. Barcelona:Anthropos.

Mattoso, J. (dir.) (2011). The historiography of Medieval Portugal c. 1950-2010. Lisboa: IEM

Neto, Margarida S. (2007). A história uma ciência em mudança: novos e velhos temas na investigação historiográfica. Revista Portuguesa da História, 39, 255-271.

Torgal, L. R.; Mendes, J. A; Catroga, F. (1998), História da História em Portugal. Sécs. XIX-XX. Lisboa: Temas e Debates.