Brazilian Literature Research Topics

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
3rd Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge of Portuguese language literature.

Teaching Methods

This class will be in the form of a seminar, with student and professor presentations and thorough reading of a corpus of texts. Students must submit assignments that will be determined at the beginning of the semester. Research tools and methods of quick access to library collections in the field of Brazilian literature will also be used.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the semester, students must (i) have the ability to distinguish research topics in Brazilian literature by degree of relevance (periodological, subject, author, etc.); (ii) understand how to access relevant sources of bibliographic information for the study of Brazilian literature; (iii) place Brazilian literature within the context of Portuguese literature.

Work Placement(s)



This class seeks to propose research topics in Brazilian literature at the doctoral level. It will be monographic in nature and fthe academic staff will propose a number of topics about authors, texts, historical phenomena of the central themes of Brazilian literature. Some of these topics will be explored in the classroom, others are intended for research in the library. Lists of bibliographic references, as well as important works (literary and critical), to act as anchor points of the work will be available.

Head Lecturer(s)

Osvaldo Manuel Alves Pereira Silvestre

Assessment Methods

Written works (60%), participation during seminars (30%), assiduity (10%): 100.0%


●Arrigucci Jr., Davi (2000) O Cacto e as Ruínas. A Poesia entre outras Artes (2ª ed.). São Paulo: Duas Cidades, Editora 34.
●Baptista, Abel Barros (1991). Em Nome do Apelo do Nome. Duas Interrogações sobre Machado de Assis. Lisboa: Litoral.
●Bosi, Alfredo (1992). Dialética da Colonização (1ª reimpressão). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.
●Campos, Augusto e Haroldo de (2002). re visão de sousândrade (3ª ed.). São Paulo: Perspectiva.
●Candido, Antonio (2004) O Direito à Literatura e outros ensaios. Coimbra: Angelus Novus, Editora.
●Franchetti, Paulo (2012). Alguns Aspectos da Teoria da Poesia Concreta (4ª ed.). Campinas: Editora Unicamp.
●Santiago, Silviano (2013). As Raízes e o Labirinto da América Latina. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco Digital.
●Siscar, Marcos (2010). Poesia e Crise. Ensaios sobre a “Crise da Poesia” como topos da Modernidade. Campinas: Editora Unicamp.
●Süssekind, Flora (1993) Papéis Colados. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ.